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Here's why business cards are always useful

With the advancement of technology, some may argue that business cards like an embossed business card are starting to become obsolete. They take up a lot of space in your wallet and in your pocket, which can be used for more valuable items, such as gum or memorable tickets.

SummaryTraditional vs ModernMixed Technology Business CardsCheck the Facts, Numbers Don't LieThe Conclusion

Some argue that business cards are a waste of money and most of the time people don't use them once you hand them out. Others might say that social media platforms and apps are pushing back the need for the traditional business card.

Honestly, this may be true when referring to traditional business cards. Using data from recent surveys and studies, I was able to come to one conclusion:business cards are not dead.

In fact, business cards have become more innovative and compelling than ever. In this article, we break down and debunk the myths based on the formal use of the business card.

Traditional vs modern

Here s why business cards are always useful

Yes, millennials are taking over the business world and challenging old traditions. The simple and more practical white business card with your name, number and e-mail gets lost with the other dull cards. Branding and creativity – this is something most businesses should keep in mind when designing business cards.

Business card designs and concepts speak a lot about the person or business they represent. For example, I attended a local business meeting where I met this gentleman who works for a software technology company. The conversation was coming to an end. Then we exchanged business cards. His business card meant no ordinary business. It was a metal key card with his trademark and information engraved.

It had a lasting impression and was a new conversation starter. It also made it seem like maybe this person was more important than I thought. This metal card also gave me a sense of importance. For a second, I thought to myself, "That's not the type of card you give to just anyone".

I was sold after leaving the networking event. I made it a priority to follow up with this guy because someone who is willing to invest in representing their brand and business needs to know the value of it.


Technology hasn't replaced business cards yet, but it's built into the value of business cards. Being able to take a picture of a business card and information and then seamlessly import it into your phone's phonebook is a real thing. Some cool new apps help you transfer business card information just by taking a picture. Cool, right?

CRM (Client Relationship Manager) applications and software also offer this. This makes it easier to pass information to your sales team, for example, and turn them into hot leads.

Check the facts, the numbers don't lie

Here s why business cards are always useful

In a recent Adobe article, a research study was conducted on white business cards versus colored business cards. Their research concluded that colored business cards last 10 times longer than white business cards, and embossed business cards last even longer. This proves that the traditional white business card is less valuable and less likely to get a call from the prospect it was giving.

In another Statistics Brain Research study, 39% of people choose not to do business with people who view their business card as cheap or basic in concept. 72% of people judge a person or business based on the quality of their business card. Color is more appealing to people, with 78% of people surveyed choosing colored cards over traditional white cards.

The conclusion

Business cards are always important when it comes to professional networking. Business cards are worth the investment for startups and sales reps. They can convince people to patronize your brand, earn leads, and leave a lasting impression.

Nowadays, there is more creativity and thought about how people make their business cards stand out. So, do your best or should I say, the card, and make a good impression.