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Using Zero Trust Network Segmentation to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Cybersecurity is a top concern no matter what size or type of business you have.

ContentsWhat is Zero Trust?How Much Do Data Breaches Cost?How to Implement Segmented Networks Without TrustDon't Let InfoSec Get Away

Despite its critical importance, many people are still not doing enough to protect themselves. They don't take information security seriously – until something bad happens.

Take, for example, security vulnerabilities. They can be expensive, often putting small businesses out of business for a few months.

There are practices that could ward off most attacks. Unfortunately, with humans being the weakest link in the cybersecurity chain, breaches can occur no matter what kind of preparation a business makes.

To help reduce this risk, there is a newer and more secure model of cybersecurity. This is called the Zero Trust model with network segmentation.

What is Zero Trust?

Using Zero Trust Network Segmentation to Protect Your Business from Hackers

In old ways of cybersecurity, accessing a network was as simple as entering your username and password. Once you're there, you have access to everything.

Unfortunately, this model has some pretty obvious weaknesses. Hackers only need access to your login data, which is easy to do with social engineering.

In the zero-trust model, everyone is assumed to be a hacker.

The login credentials will allow a person to access the front door. Once inside, he will find many other doors. This leaves less chance for hackers to exploit.

This model also regularly checks the activity logs. This is done in real time to detect threats as quickly as possible.

Even the Department of Homeland Security recommends zero-trust segmented networks. It suggests:

  • Design network segments based on the principles of need to know and zero trust
  • Make sure sensitive information is segmented, even from other sensitive information
  • Layered security measures so that each segment has its own access requirements

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How much do data breaches cost?

According to Hackerpocalypse:A Cybercrime Revelation from Cybersecurity Ventures:
“Cybersecurity Ventures projects that the global annual costs of cybercrime will rise from $3 trillion in 2015 to $6 trillion per year by 2021, which includes damage and destruction of data, theft of money, loss of productivity, theft of intellectual property, theft of personal and financial data, embezzlement. , fraud, post-attack disruption of the normal course of business, forensic investigation, restoration and deletion of hacked data and systems, and reputational damage. »

The cost of cleaning up breached records varies by company and industry.

Retail violations are good examples. This is the most publicized type of breach because it affects multiple consumers at once. Typically, their cleanup costs millions of dollars per incident. They also cost the retail outlet in lost sales and reputational damage.

Small data breaches can also happen to small businesses. In such cases, breaches can cost tens of thousands of dollars to clean up. This can easily put a business out of business.

After all, how many small businesses have tens of thousands of dollars they aren't using to clean up a data breach?

How to implement trustless-segmented-networks

Using Zero Trust Network Segmentation to Protect Your Business from Hackers

Even if you don't have a large company with an information security team and network architecture specialist, there are still ways for you to protect your small business.

  • Software can automate some security needs
  • Next-generation firewalls can provide greater security
  • BYOD and password hygiene policies can go a long way
  • Security consultants often specialize in working with small businesses to find Info Sec solutions
  • SaaS and NaaS providers can provide your business with the same level of security as large enterprises

See also:Wireless network hacking and how to avoid being hacked

Don't let InfoSec escape you

Doing something about your company's information security before it's too late is crucial if you want to stay in business. Hackers are always on the lookout for vulnerabilities to exploit, so now is the time to take action to make your network more secure. You are the weakest link and hackers know it. Don't let them destroy your business by not taking action to protect it. Learn more about zero trust network segmentation from this infographic!


Using Zero Trust Network Segmentation to Protect Your Business from Hackers