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Business and Branding:CEO and Marketer Nicole on How to Build Your Legacy

As an entrepreneur, producer, CEO and co-founder, I've worn many hats in my day. But the title "entrepreneur" is a title that should honestly precede all of them, because ultimately none of these other titles would exist without it.

I've created several successful companies based on my own personal brand, from fitness brand Upliffs and marketing agency Monarchy to film production company Serendipity and arts foundation Uplift Art. And while these businesses are amazing and worth standing on their own – and they do – I think people tend to underestimate the importance of personal branding because it has helped so much to scale my businesses. Much of my growth has come from my own personal brand.

While your business is about your product or service, your brand is how you present yourself to the public. Whether it's your Instagram or LinkedIn accounts, your speaking engagements or your public persona, everyone has a personal brand. It's just a matter of whether he's cultured and organized enough to be scalable in a business.

Think about your favorite influencers or blogs. Chances are, most of these people will be able to monetize their own personal brand; people like and trust their products, services or recommendations because of the social trust and traction they have gained through their personal brand. Self-branding can help increase your reputation as a leader, and your personal brand has the power to create something that resonates with people around the world.

If you don't know how to harness the art of branding and turn it into a formidable superpower, don't worry. I've put together my list of expert tips to turn your brand into an amazing business.

Examine your audience

Think about your subscribers. Who do you interact with on social media? Who interacts with you? What are their basic needs and how can you meet them?

The benefit of using your personal brand to build an audience and business is that, if done correctly, you will have an integrated consumer base for your offerings. When I founded Monarchy, I knew my career as an influencer lends itself to attracting and retaining customers. They could easily see that I practice what I preach and was able to build my own success – so why wouldn't I be able to do it for them?

Leveraging what you have going for you and speaking to an audience that will benefit from it is one of the best ways to build a lasting business just by being yourself.

Building with intent

Only half of small businesses survive beyond the five-year mark. It's no surprise that the most profitable companies in the world like Google and Apple have the most recognizable brands. Building something that reflects your values, motivates you to get out of bed in the morning, and attracts customers, you need a brand that will stick around far longer than any business ever will.

Building your brand with deliberate messaging ensures you can make changes to your business and customers will follow you because you are who you are. Your industry will recognize your authority, and the right people and the right opportunities will find you, simply because you made intentional efforts to create something meaningful.

I founded each of my companies because I believe in what they stand for. I am passionate about health and fitness; marketing and sales; and the art and stories it tells. Without this passion, these brands would be dull and lifeless. I know it and I allow that passion to drive everything I do.

Go beyond the bottom line

Consumers are more likely to engage with a brand when they feel they have been emotionally engaged with its content and offerings.

Keeping a professional and polished look is important, but consumers also value consistency and transparency, and they're willing to pay more for the experience of knowing the face, name and passion behind the brand. If you check out any of my brand's social media accounts, you'll see my excited face everywhere. This is precisely why I do it!

Building a strong brand and using it to foster and grow your business will ensure you build a legacy that you will enjoy for years to come. Ultimately, it's the connection and impact you create that will fuel your soul, your business, and your bank account. This makes all investments profitable.

About Nicole Tabs

Nicole Tabs is a serial entrepreneur and humanitarian who is the CEO and co-founder of Monarchy, a highly successful business development agency. She is also the co-founder of Serendipity Group, which is launching its new television series on ABC as announced on Deadline. To view Monarchy's services, click here.