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Leave your child at the daycare or grandparents; did that ever happen?

As a working mother you cannot avoid taking your child away, or leaving it with daddy, grandma or the babysitter. That went well, I was told. But honestly I'm not sure. leave your child behind; I keep finding it difficult. It doesn't even matter whether it's at the daycare or nice and cozy with grandma and grandpa. Leaving your baby behind simply goes against your motherly feelings. Because who can take care of your children as well as you?

Do you also find it difficult to leave your child behind? You can read more about it here. First of all, don't let the 'experts' fool you. Those best helmsmen who claim that you get used to dropping off your baby. Because I now also call myself an expert… And I conclude:you never get used to leaving your baby behind.

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You don't get used to leaving your baby

Apparently I'm a hard-nosed student:you don't get used to it. Still not after half a year. And it is not the case that there are always a large number of days between the babysitting days, or that we regularly let our daughter 'play truant' from daycare. No, my daughter has been going to daycare 3 days a week since she was 3 months old. Two weeks of vacation and an occasional check-up with the orthopedist in connection with hip dysplasia. And she is having a great time there, smiling at the teachers, playing with other children and sleeping and eating well. She is completely used to it, she is.

The bad thing is that I don't care if my hubby, a friend or the daycare is babysitting. I just miss her. All day. It's kind of an empty feeling inside. Fortunately, I can focus perfectly on my work, but still:sometimes I really need a look at a photo, a Whatsapp from my hubby on his daddy's day or a call to the nursery.

What to do?

Leaving your baby behind is not an option, I've already decided on that. But how can you best deal with that? In any case, make sure you have trusted reception. And don't let your sprouts know that you're upset. Pinking away a tear is what you do when they are no longer in the car 😉 . If you project your stress on your children, they will also have more and more trouble saying goodbye. And that it bothers you is bad enough, but the most important thing is that the kids are having a good time, right? That will probably not be a problem with grandparents, or the right childcare.

Fortunately, I am very satisfied with the nursery. Our daughter is in a good rhythm there. And so after 2 months I put down the guilt that she is going there for 3 days. So I don't feel like a bad mother and I don't worry about her all day long. I just think that taking away and/or leaving my little rascal will never get used to, even if coming home is still so much fun!

Read also :Saying a festive goodbye to the nursery? Laura (3) did it!