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Don't delay but do it:how to turn your words into actions

The end of the year is approaching. A time in which we often formulate our intentions. Everything that has not yet worked out this year, we can make a good resolution for next year! How about you? What intentions do you have? What do you (still) spend too little time on? Don't delay but do it:it sounds so simple, but it often isn't.

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New Year's resolutions? Tomorrow I really start…

I believe we all have resolutions that we put off. Something that is not given priority and which is easily overtaken by other 'necessary' things. How does that work? Suppose you want to relax more… or you want to look for another job or do more sports… Then why not just do that? What's stopping you?

No matter how beautiful an intention is, it requires SACRIFICE. You have to cross a threshold. You are going to do something that is not usual for you. And sometimes you get 'helped' with that. Then you get injured, for example. Then you are forced to sit on the couch and you can't do anything but enjoy reading… or you will be fired and you will have to look for other work. But in many cases you have to take action YOURSELF. Don't delay but do it. What helps you to take action?

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Don't delay but do it:this is how you will achieve your goals

Don't delay but do it, that sounds easier than it is. The tips below can help you turn your dreams into concrete goals. And to achieve it.

1) Make your wish more concrete. A vague wish remains a vague wish. And you don't have to go for a vague wish. Only when you take a close look at your wish and name what you actually want, things will be different! Take the time to really write out your wish.

2) Courage. You need courage to start something new. Not very much, but a little. You are going down an unknown road. That brings uncertainty and discomfort. “Can I do it?”, “Am I going to make it?”… Label yourself as brave. That's what you ARE when you do new things.

3) Commitment. Make a start and commit yourself to do it for a while. Commit yourself for a period of time. Keep in mind that it can be disappointing. And that it might take you a lot more effort than you thought beforehand. But don't let it distract you. Give it a chance and reward yourself for your efforts and persistence!

4) Lightness. Do not take yourself and your intention too seriously. Don't commit too much to your intention. And laugh at yourself. But keep going(!).

5) Don't keep thinking but go DO † You can't figure it out with your head (and all that thinking). Your mind always has good arguments ready for why it is better to postpone something or why it is better to do something else. My tip is:go do it. Stop thinking, just do it.

Good luck!

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