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Mothers should be able to do everything:a modern myth debunked

Emancipation, we are of course always up for it. But in the meantime, the modern woman has taken a lot of hay on her fork. Work, the family, the household… And in the meantime we make an effort to have a social life and hobbies. In short:a lot of balls to keep in the air. Women, or rather, mothers should be able to do everything. Do you ever have that feeling? Then you are at least not the only one. We recently received a reader question about it.

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Reader question:how do you deal with everything?

We received the following question from a reader:
Mothers must be able to (handle) everything! How do I best deal with this?

And indeed, many moms experience pressure. A lot of pressure. And that of course does not lead to happy moms. Stressed moms don't lead to a happy family... In short:"mothers should be able to do everything" , that's a classic mother myth.

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Advice from the Education Desk

At the Education Desk, as the name suggests, they are specialists in everything that has to do with education. Likewise with mother myths. And 'mothers must be able to do everything', that is indeed nothing more than a myth?

The Education Desk knows what to do with the modern motto 'Mothers must be able to do everything'. Below you can read what tips and advice they have for busy moms. Or actually:moms who are under pressure.

Mothers should be able to do everything? What a myth!

A lot of our actions are determined by thoughts that we usually have unconsciously. For example:'I'm going for my career, but my family shouldn't suffer because of it' or 'raising children is something you just have to be able to do!' Mothers today demand a lot from themselves, sometimes even too much. Remember, we have only a short history of women working outside the home. Until 1956 we were even considered to be legally incompetent! Married women could not take out mortgages and female civil servants were even required by law to quit their jobs as soon as they tied the knot. For example, most of us grew up with a 'mother belongs at home' image.

Don't be fooled!

Don't be fooled in these busy times. Shopping? Order online if that saves you time. But don't miss your pleasant afternoon shopping with that girlfriend. Mothers have to be able to do everything, but they also need the time to let go every now and then. And don't forget:cosiness is more important than a clean house.

Make a list of everything that needs to be done. Put the list on the table without handing out the tasks! Rather ask if everyone wants to fill in their name after a certain 'To DO'. You will see that children will help themselves and will be happy with the result.

Talk to others about the pitfalls in the combination of work and family, for example, bring it up at work if you get into trouble. If you still can't figure it out, a workshop via workingparentsprogram might be a good idea.

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