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E-reputation:why should we pay attention to it?

The e-reputation of a company corresponds to the image conveyed online, on the internet. It can be positive and therefore beneficial for the company, or negative and therefore harmful. In any case, at a time when 3 out of 4 consumers seek information online before making a purchase, e-reputation must imperatively be at the heart of their concerns.

Definition:what is online reputation?

E-reputation is the online reputation of a company, brand, product or service. This image, which can be positive or negative, must be measured, monitored and sometimes improved. If online reputation is a big issue for companies, it's because:

  • 3 out of 4 consumers research the internet before making a purchase,
  • 2 out of 3 consumers read reviews and ratings,
  • 4 out of 5 consumers trust online recommendations more than advertising.

E-reputation is different from digital identity. This is the image that companies voluntarily communicate online through various networks such as posts on social networks or the distribution of press releases. While a company can manage its digital identity, it does not control its e-reputation.

Issues related to e-reputation

Having a good e-reputation is essential for companies. It helps to retain customers and attract new ones. On the contrary, a bad e-reputation directly impacts the image of a company, its sales, its turnover and its sustainability. E-reputation can also have an impact on relations with suppliers and investors.

E-reputation is defined online through

  • search engines, led by Google,
  • social networks where Internet users can express themselves freely,
  • online review platforms,
  • local SEO (Google My Business).

It is therefore essential to master these communication channels to gain the trust of a market, benefit from better visibility and boost its turnover.

The different players in a company's e-reputation?

A company's online reputation is based on consumer reviews. She is therefore easily influenced. But who are these people who can improve or on the contrary tarnish your notoriety?


The employees of a company directly impact its image. If they are unpleasant, if they do not keep their commitments, if they sell a defective or unsuitable product for the needs of the consumer, this tarnishes the image of the brand and the company. On the contrary, smiling sellers, employees who find suitable solutions and who show respect improve the notoriety of their company and consequently, the e-reputation.

Internet users

Internet users play a major role in e-reputation. They are the ones who leave the opinions and above all who rate the products and services. Whether they go through social networks, blogs or platforms. It is important to measure customer satisfaction and react if a consumer is unhappy. For example, if online there is a negative review, contact the person and try to understand what went wrong. In general, we must be attentive to all comments because they allow companies to correct themselves and move forward.


Increasingly numerous, influencers are people who promote products or services. Certain areas of activity such as beauty can no longer ignore them. Thanks to influencers, it is possible to have a real community around your brand. Unfortunately, these personalities who shine on the internet can also destroy the image of a company. Vigilance is therefore essential!

The media

It is possible that the media influence your e-reputation. Sometimes, an unrewarding press article can damage a company's image. The same is true for studies. Some magazines, for example, compare products and establish rankings. Once online, this content directly impacts business sales.

How to measure the e-reputation of a company?

The first step in digital reputation management is monitoring. This approach makes it possible to know whether the reputation is good or not. It may be interesting to establish a ranking and take stock of the opinions that come up most often. Sometimes companies manage to pinpoint a problem that can be fixed easily and quickly.

Measuring the e-reputation is necessary because it allows to follow the evolution. To do this, it is necessary to identify the channels used by Internet users, the number of mentions (positive and negative) and the positioning on search engines. It is also important to compare these results to those of its competitors.

How to improve a company's e-reputation?

Cleaning the e-reputation

A business that faces a bad online reputation can clean it up. To do this, there are two solutions.

  • Curing, or curing in French, is a practice of making requests to remove content that harms the image of a company or brand.
  • Flooding is another technique that consists of publishing a large amount of content so that problematic publications are drowned and no longer damage the reputation of the company.

Protecting e-reputation

All businesses should know that the law protects digital identity. Indeed, Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks on his honor and reputation. […]”. This rule applies in everyday life as well as online. Also, in the event of a false opinion from a competitor or detractor, it is possible to report.

A negative review should not be taken lightly. Companies must remain cordial, do not respond with irritation. A negative comment left by a company is very frowned upon by consumers. Just answer politely. Sometimes negative comments are unfounded. If they are isolated, it is better not to answer. It may be interesting to read the charter of the site on which the negative comment is published. If it is not respected, the comment will be deleted.

How to improve a company's e-reputation?

Even if a company cannot control its online reputation, it can influence it. Here is a non-exhaustive list of actions to take to optimize your e-reputation.

  • Take the time to present the company and/or brand through quality content, visuals and videos.
  • Produce varied and quality content that will be published on the blog and social networks. This content will then be well referenced by Google.
  • Use Google My Business and accurately fill in the fields. Add photos.
  • Monitoring reviews and ratings left by consumers. Do not hesitate to answer it.
  • Have a consistent communication strategy applied by all employees.