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Are social networks mandatory for the development of my business?

Social networks are part of our daily lives. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn, they have all the advantages for users but also for companies. Exploiting social networks is no longer a solution to be one step ahead, these new communication channels are now mandatory to develop your business. Why ? How to best use them? Here are some answers.

The main social networks and their characteristics


Facebook is the most popular social network. It is also the 3 th most visited website after Google and YouTube. Facebook has 40 million users in France. Thanks to it, it is possible to publish articles and visuals, to communicate with your audience, to share live content, to present your company, the products and services marketed... Being on Facebook is essential today and this regardless of the target audience.


Like Facebook, Instagram enjoys great notoriety but also significant growth. This social network allows you to share photos and videos. Written content is less important for the 21 million users. Unlike the leader Facebook, Instagram is not aimed at all companies but at those for whom the visual is important. The sectors of fashion, tourism, art, beauty, decoration and even cooking are concerned.


With nearly 20 million users, Pinterest is also a visually-based social network that should not be overlooked. Users are very active there and businesses can grow easily and quickly by reaching a targeted audience. The principle is to share photos and ideas while expressing your creativity.


Twitter is a social network that works differently. Users share short posts called tweets. These must not exceed 280 characters. Twitter has nearly 13 million users and its exceptional growth makes it essential. Thanks to this social network, it is possible to inform, promote and even launch event-driven campaigns.


LinkedIn is a professional social network that offers many possibilities to companies such as finding a candidate, a service provider, a client (B2B) or even developing. your things. With 16 million users in France, LinkedIn seduces and allows you to stay informed of all the news in its sector.

The list of social networks does not stop there. However, companies are developing very little on other media represented by TikTok, Snapchat, Twitch or Google +.

Why use social media as a business?

Social networks are a contemporary and above all free way to communicate with your audience. They can be used in different ways.

Improve the visibility and notoriety of your company

Being present on social networks is a great way to work on your visibility. The more you are referenced, the more your notoriety is important because you reach a wider audience. Social networks are a different and particularly interesting communication tool. Your pages provide all the information about your activity:company name, products and services marketed, specificities, assets, area of ​​activity and even contacts (website, e-mail, telephone, postal address).

Increase the number of leads

Social media allows you to get to know your audience better. You discover his interests, you identify his needs. You have all the tools to meet his needs. Facebook, Instagram and other media offer the possibility for your community to share your content and therefore to expand. The number of prospects increases. To maximize this trend, you need to use all the tools at your disposal. You can answer user questions, offer polls, and even interact directly with a person.

Build customer loyalty

Thanks to social networks, it is also possible to retain customers. Some companies choose to create a reserved space for them with contests and content adapted to their needs, such as user guides or advice. These same customers can give their opinions on products and services, and thus convince other potential customers!

Keep an eye on the competition

Your competitors need to be watched. To achieve this, you can rely on social networks. Thanks to them, you are informed of hirings, promotions in progress, news or communication campaigns launched. Your competitors allow you to compare yourself, to identify your strengths and weaknesses. You should always keep an eye on them!

Recruit the right people

With social networks, you can attract prospects and retain customers. In both cases, you ensure the sustainability of your business. Know that you can also seduce professionals and benefit from their know-how. Do not hesitate to communicate on the identity of your company, on the actions carried out with your locality, your community and even associations.