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6 Ways to Overcome Entrepreneurial Anxiety

In our society, successful entrepreneurs tend to become heroes. People look at them and think they have everything together. But many of the most successful leaders in business face challenges similar to the rest of us. Owning a business can be extremely stressful and exhausting. The resulting anxiety for the entrepreneur can cripple his business.

Related: 10 Ways Successful People Stay Calm

It's usually helpful to take a step back and disconnect from big issues to calm down. Try these strategies to cool your nerves:
1. Braindump
Your brain likes to hold on to what it thinks is important, which easily causes overwhelm and exhaustion. Take 20 minutes and write down everything that comes to mind, your worries, your to-do list, and your daily tasks. Don't think, just purge what's in your head.
2. Meditate
After creating space in your brain from whatever it's been holding onto, give it a short break from all thinking. Choose a guided meditation – a clear framework for your thoughts can be very helpful while relaxing your mind.
3. Shift Perspective
Changing the way you look at a situation can give you incredible stress relief. Ask yourself how you will see your life situation in a few years. Imagine the worst thing that can happen and accept it. Then create a strategy for how you would handle this situation.
4. Celebrate
Instead of focusing on everything that went wrong, change your approach and list all your past and current victories.
5. Simplify
Your brain is wired to solve basic problems. He basically has to decide between a fight or flight response. Create and write a simple yet effective action plan for the next 30 days that will leave you feeling in control and certain.
6. Take Action
After clarifying your action plan, execute. Focus on the process of your strategy at a micro level, rather than the bigger picture and vision, which can seem out of reach and daunting right now.

Related: 5 easy ways for entrepreneurs to reduce stress and recharge daily

This article originally appeared in the Fall 2018 issue of LadiesBelle I/O magazine.