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7 Little-Known Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

Do you get sweaty palms thinking about speaking in front of a large audience? Do you hyperventilate imagining yourself giving a speech in front of a crowd?

If so, you are not alone. You've probably heard that according to public opinion polls, more people fear speaking in public than dying.

This stat led Jerry Seinfeld to joke that it means "for the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than giving the eulogy.

I get nervous speaking in front of a large audience, just like the next one, but personally I'd still rather sweat behind the podium than be the stiff in a box.

Fortunately, there is a lot you can do to minimize the fear of public speaking in front of an audience. If you know some tricks.

I spent my early career writing speeches, working for President Clinton in the White House and for the Governor of California, so I can tell you that there are many little-known tricks that the "pros" also use.

I can also tell you that the reason most people are nervous about public speaking is because they are doing the wrong things before a speech, such as not preparing properly and practicing under simulated conditions. With a few changes in technique, you can greatly reduce your fear of public speaking and make the experience even more positive.

Here are 7 tips to overcome your fear of public speaking:

1. Visit the hall and the podium in advance

Whenever you are going to give a speech, arrange a tour of the room where you will be speaking. Ideally, do this at the exact time of day the day before the speech so that conditions are as similar as they will be at the time of the actual speech.

Stand behind the podium and familiarize yourself with the location of the microphone, where you will place your water glass, and the area you have available to place your notes. The less you have to worry about or understand during the speech, the more comfortable you will be.

2. Print your remarks – in 18 points

Many people prepare written remarks before a speech and then print them out in a standard 12 point font. You might as well print them in Latin.

The pros know better than to make that rookie mistake. Professional speechwriters print speeches in a minimum font of 18 point or larger, so remarks can be actually read without holding the pages eight inches from your face.

3. Prepare bullet points with sub-headers

Try not to read your remarks directly. It's boring for the audience, and I find it makes people more nervous than speaking normally and relying on prepared notes as an alternative.

To make sure you don't read your notes, don't prepare a word-for-word script. Instead, outline the scope of your speech and organize it into bullet points with bold sub-headings clearly identifying the different topics you will cover.

But have something written in front of you in case you panic. Just having it there as a kickstand will be reassuring.

4. Give your audience a handout

Here's a great tip:give your audience a reference document to refer to during the speech. This can be a brief outline of the speech or any additional material.

A certain percentage of the audience will naturally look at your document as you speak. As a result, you will have fewer eyeballs staring at you. Plus, you'll gain goodwill from your audience because everyone loves getting free resources.

If there's a Q&A part of your speech, the audience may be easier on you because you've given them this free resource and/or because you've already covered some of their questions in the bonus material. /P>

5. Practice deep breathing exercises

Deep breathing exercises can really help calm your nerves and minimize your anxiety. Now you might be thinking, how is this woo-woo deep breathing nonsense going to stop them from judging me?

But here's why it works. Focusing on deep breathing exercises beforehand and during a speech forces the mind to focus on something else rather than the room full of your peers actually thinking "did she really wear those shoes with that purse?

It also ensures that you get enough oxygen so you don't pass out. (Let's not make that happen.)

6. Plan a little perk for yourself after you finish

Plan to give yourself a little "perk" after you finish the speech as recognition for a job well done. Whether it's dinner at a fine restaurant or a trip to the day spa, your reward will remind you that all the hard work will be worth it.

7. Meet your audience in advance

I strongly believe in the importance of relationships in business. Every ounce of success I've had in my career so far is due to trusted relationships I've nurtured over time. (I believe in relationships so much that I even wrote a free 52-page ebook on the subject, How to Build a Network Full of VIPs and Top Artists in 14 Days.)

Here's how relationships can ease your fear of public speaking. A lot of anxiety about public speaking has to do with strangers judging you.

So make your audience your friends. Greet people who enter the room. Simply stand at the door and introduce yourself as the speaker. For bonus points, ask people if they have any questions ahead of time. This will ensure you know the expectations of the audience and what they hope to get out of your speech.

Boom. You no longer talk to a room full of strangers. You talk to new friends.

Keep killing your fear of public speaking

I'm not going to tell you if you practice all of these tips that it will be a "quick fix" to overcoming your deep and abiding fear of public speaking. But if you implement at least a few of these tips, it will go a long way to making the experience a little more tolerable, and maybe even a little fun. Just make sure your shoes match your handbag.

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