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Five Ways a Blog Could Help You Achieve Your Goals

Since you're reading a blog – I/O means – chances are you've at least considered starting your own blog.

Maybe you enjoy writing and would love to share your work with the world.

You may have heard that blogging can be a way to make money or promote your existing business.

Here are five ways a blog can help you achieve your goals in your personal and professional life.

#1:Teach you new skills

Blogging involves many different skills. Just creating your blog will teach you a lot of technical know-how that could come in handy in all sorts of areas of life. Writing regular articles isn't just great for your writing skills – it's also a way to build self-discipline.

If you stick with a blog for several months, you'll also find yourself learning more about social media, marketing and self-promotion, business, networking, and more.

#2:Make New Connections

The blogging world is inherently sociable, and blogging is a great way to connect with other people who have similar interests to yours (these could be fellow bloggers or just readers).

Thanks to your blog, you could have new friends all over the world. If your interests are more niche or specialized, you might be pleasantly surprised to find that there are plenty of other people who share them.

#3:Building Your Professional Profile

If you're looking to advance your career, a blog can be a very valuable tool. If your blog is well written and respected by others in your industry, it can be the difference between getting a job and being ignored.

This doesn't just apply if you work in a tech or new media industry:authors, for example, are often asked about their online "platform" (blog, social media following, etc.) by agents and editors.

#4:Bring in a side income

Many people are attracted to blogs because they offer the opportunity to earn money. If you create a blog that gets decent traffic, you can make money by advertising on your site or marketing products as an affiliate (you get a commission on the sales you generate).

The extra money your blog creates, on top of your normal job, could help you create an emergency fund, save for a vacation, or even get your kids through college.

#5:Leading you to a new career

For some people, their blog isn't just a way to create a side income — it's the start of a whole new career. You may have always dreamed of writing for a living, but you currently work in retail; a blog can be the showcase you need for your work and a marketing tool to attract clients.

It is certainly not impossible to live full time thanks to your blog (I've been doing it since 2008) – and in an uncertain economic climate, working for yourself may be a safer option than having a paid job.

That all sounds pretty good, right? Well, there's just one thing you need to know about how a blog won't (almost certainly) help you achieve your goals.

#6:Make a fortune out of you, overnight

A blog is not a get-rich-quick ticket (whatever some bloggers may have you believe)! Unless you're already an experienced blogger with a successful site or two under your belt, it takes time to build an audience and learn everything you need to know.

Your blog is unlikely to make you rich in the very near future, so if you really need money in the next few months, blogging is probably not a good answer for you.

But don't let me put you off. Over a longer period of time – say five or six years – there's no telling where a blog might take you.

Have you ever thought about blogging – or did this article put some ideas in your head? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Photo credit :Maria Reyes-McDavis