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The differences between the female and male millionaires

At the beginning of last year, the Netherlands had 106,200 millionaires rich, of which 23,200 were women. The average wealth of all those millionaires is 2.9 million euros. What they have in common is their solid bank account, but there are differences in work and life attitude, according to the annual 'Vermogend Nederland' survey by Van Lanschot. The research shows, among other things, that female millionaires consider the personal well-being and that of their families to be more important than men. If you ask a female millionaire to describe herself, terms such as social and caring are more often used, men then go more in the business direction with descriptions such as result-oriented, business-like and innovative. Female millionaires also spend less time on their financial planning. The survey shows that 32% of male millionaires spend several hours a week on their finances. That is 14% for women.”

The majority of millionaire men find it no problem to be the breadwinner, the female millionaire is not immediately interested in that. 78% of the surveyed female millionaires think it is important that both their partners and themselves have their own careers. More than male millionaires, they are also preparing their families for the wealth transfer.

From a business point of view, 70% of female millionaires do not shy away from entrepreneurial risk with the company and 78% consider business success very important. It is striking, however, that women are much less willing than men to make great sacrifices for that success in their private lives:31 against 9 percent. Women also spend more time on, for example, volunteering and impact investment:investing with a social purpose, such as the environment, sustainable energy or education.