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Financial matters to arrange now for later

While it's important to live in the now, there are some things you should plan ahead for for later. One of these things is your financial affairs. Making sure your financial future is secure doesn't have to be a difficult task. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to protecting yourself and your family.

Create a budget plan
When it comes to personal finances, budgeting is one of the most important tools to start with. A budget is a plan for how you spend the money you earn. By creating a detailed budget plan, you can see exactly where your money is going and make better decisions about spending. This gives you much more control over your money, and you can optimize spending to cut back on things you don't really need.

Create an emergency pot
With an emergency fund you always have money on hand that you can rely on when you have to deal with an emergency or an unexpected expense. Normally we think of an emergency fund as a short-term financial goal, but it has important long-term benefits, so you should definitely not forget it. Keep topping up to make sure there's always money in it.

Pay your debts and stay out of debt
One of the best things you can do for your finances is pay off all your debts if you have them. For starters, focus on your highest debt. Once you've paid off this debt, focus on paying off smaller debts. Pay off a little extra if you can. That in turn saves on unnecessary costs.

Arrange your funeral
The average funeral costs are between 7,000 and 10,000 euros, so if you are not insured for this, relatives can have to deal with high costs. Because it costs so much you should treat it like any other major purchase. So look around! There are many funeral insurance policies with different costs and coverages. The best thing you can do is compare funeral insurance. Then you can easily see the funeral insurance policies in a row, and view and compare the premium, the insured amount and the conditions to make a good choice that suits you.

Don't forget other insurances
Have enough – but not too much – insurance to cover contingencies. Insurance is important because you work hard to build a solid financial foundation and it needs to be protected. Accidents and disasters can happen and not having the right insurance can lead to financial ruin. Evaluate your financial situation and ask yourself what is and is not necessary. For example, do you have life insurance? If not, do you need that? And if so, do you have adequate coverage? Consider this with all insurance policies. Adjust coverage as needed to ensure you're protected from any possibility.

Save for later
Saving money for your future is crucial. If you don't save and work steadily towards it, you have to rely on credit when the going gets tough. You may even have to continue working after retirement to supplement your meager pension. Find out how much money you need monthly or annually to maintain a comfortable lifestyle when you retire. Start saving for that and/or discover which financial resources can help you achieve your plan.