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Things to remember when it comes to your career

Despite a large number of female executives in powerful positions, many people still view the corporate world as a male thing. However, many of the most important jobs in business are now held by women. In addition, a large number of companies have been founded by female entrepreneurs. Whether you're just starting your career or running your own company, the following list provides things every woman should remember when it comes to her career.

A mentor can help start your career
Many of the most successful women attribute their success to having a mentor to guide them through the tough times. A good mentor can help you avoid pitfalls at the start of your career and help you develop a long-term plan.

You can earn less than your male counterparts Unfortunately, the pay gap still exists in certain industries, and you may have to accept that you will earn a lower salary than men. Once you have a solid work record, you can start negotiating a better salary.

You will have to play the game
Business is a game and your ultimate success depends on how well you know the rules. Eating and drinking with potential customers, taking risks and networking are just some of the things you can expect almost every day.

Trust is key
Confidence in your abilities is arguably the most important attribute for both men and women. Projecting confidence allows potential clients to put their trust in you and encourage managers to trust you on important projects.

You don't have to compete with men
If you work in a predominantly male environment, you may feel the need to do certain things to fit in. Just because most of your office goes to the pub after work doesn't mean you should get involved! You will be much happier if you stay within your comfort zone.

You may encounter sexism
Sexism in the workplace is no longer a common phenomenon, but it still happens. You may find that you are constantly being watched for promotion or that you may receive some inappropriate comments. Always report sexist behavior immediately to a manager or contact the human resources department.

Knowledge is power
Knowing as much as you can about your job and your chosen industry will give you a distinct advantage over your competitors. Take the time to read at least one industry publication a week and keep up to date with new developments.

You need to know how to be assertive
Assertiveness and aggression are two completely different things and you will have to master the first if you want to succeed. A degree of assertiveness is essential to standing up for yourself and making your voice heard. Assertive people are also seen as more confident and capable. Even if you're shy, you can still learn how to become more assertive.

Business is a boys' club
Certain jobs like finance are still male-dominated industries that can be intimidating. Many companies have a boy-club mentality that is hard to break as a woman. If you are determined to succeed in any area, then hard work and dedication are all you need to achieve your goal.

Your well-being is important Taking care of yourself is essential to your long-term career success. Learn to recognize the warning signs of stress and immediately reduce your workload if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed. Take time out with your family and friends to forget about work for a few hours each day and focus on your personal relationships.