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Important career lessons most people learn too late in life

When you start your career, the most important things are the number of projects you can start with, how much money you make and how you can get promoted. But what people often realize is just how much other things are so much more important. Here are five career lessons that will help you succeed:

1. Don't try to be someone else Have you ever heard of the phrase "fake it until you make it?" While that can certainly apply to faking a little extra confidence when you're nervous, it should never apply to your personality as a whole. It's good to have career inspirations or role models, but at some point you have to figure out who you are and what your style is. Being real is so much more important and will help you move forward faster instead of pretending to be someone you're not.

2. Learn to say 'no'
Especially when you start out, you probably want to say yes to every project, meeting, or task you get. But once you've established yourself, you have to learn to say no. That way, you can focus your energy on doing a good job of your existing projects, without worrying about hundreds of other little things. You want to do your best, but sometimes when you take on too much, you don't complete tasks properly. It will help you not to take on too much and to understand your own time management.

3. Money is not the most important
What do you really enjoy doing? What do you spend your free time on? Working on something you love is worth a lot more than making the big bucks doing something you hate. Why waste eight hours a day doing something you don't like, when you could be doing something you love! It's really not all about the money, and it won't bring you luck either. It can be difficult to fall into a routine of work and just keep going to pay the bills. But don't waste your time and energy on something that doesn't make you happy. Sometimes that means taking risks. Don't be afraid, take the step.

4. Admit your own mistakes
We all make mistakes, it's just part of life. Instead of covering them up and embarrassing yourself, just say, “Yes, I made a mistake and I will learn from it”. Making mistakes can be just as important as succeeding because you learn from them. People appreciate it a lot more if you are honest and come out, it can save a lot of effort and hassle. You will be considered honest and trustworthy. It's human – everyone does it, every day.

5. Surround yourself with the right people
The worst people to surround yourself with are the idlers, the complainers and the people who only work for a paycheck. Instead, find the people who love what they do and are excited to go to work! Try to keep your circle diverse, with people working in finance, art, engineering, communication, everything! That's exactly how you have a well-supported group of positive people!