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Influencer with Integrity:How to Create Engagement with the Heart

Is our romance with the social media influencer over? Or do we just shy away from accounts that don't really "feel"? The pursuit of fame for the sake of fame is one of the hallmarks of the Internet, but in the age of “the influencer” are we tired of being sold to at every turn?

We are becoming aware of their need for authenticity to go beyond one or two interactions with online personalities, no matter how many followers they have amassed. It's no longer about following the crowd and taking someone's word for gospel just because they've been labeled an influencer.

An authentic influencer isn't about telling people how to think, but it is their being of who they really are – on and off the camera – that shows an energy of authenticity that people are naturally drawn to. The public can then determine its own truth.

An authentic influencer does not become "obsessed" with the number of followers they have built, or by suggesting to others that they should think the way they do. They encourage people to want to think for themselves and to tap into their own truth about a particular situation.

How to create social engagement with your heart:here are some tips

Awareness of your relationship with yourself is key

Do you come from a place of love, acceptance and embracing who YOU ​​are with compassion and understanding? This is the key. The relationship with yourself is what you project to the world. It's how you see others and how you see the world, and in turn, how others see you.

Clarify your top three values ​​in life and business

Are these aligned? These determine the decisions you make and ensure that you live in accordance with your authentic self. Ask yourself, “What are my top three values ​​in the context of my business?” “In the context of my life, what are my three highest values?” Then sit back and observe. Are they aligned or deeply opposed?

Understand your message – your why

And then be completely self-expressed in everything you do, write, and even how you dress. Your message and presence is then consistent. Say, “This is who I am. How can I share who I am and help others?” Most people ask, "This is who I am, do you like me?" and then they twist and turn to adapt and please the market. In this way they lose the message they want to share authentically. Understand that you are not for everyone. If you're trying to be someone you're not, there's a huge gap. Who you are authentically is the message to the world.

Show your vulnerability

Shine a light where you feel vulnerable. By doing this you are healing yourself, and in the process you are healing others. This is our greatest equalizer – our commonality – which we all share:we share the same emotions, even though our stories are different. It is what connects us and makes us feel seen, heard and validated for our experiences.

Listen to understand, rather than just listen to respond

Be interested instead of interesting. Too often we think that as an influencer we have to be interesting and constantly talk about ourselves. You are not an influencer without an audience. You realize very quickly that it is not about you and necessarily your journey, but about others and how your journey and experiences and message can unite others and bring unity.

Don't strive for perfection

Trying to be perfect is the exact opposite of being authentic. However, many people fear that if they make mistakes, they will not be seen as an expert. This is what makes you relatable and how we gain experience and evolve to be and become.

An authentic influencer is not meant to tell people how to think, but in 'being', it demonstrates a thinking system of how to live congruently aligned. People can then determine their own truth. I don't want people to think like I do, I just want people to think:Enabled to think differently about themselves and others.