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PrepDays:free online three-day event for entrepreneurs

The PrepDays will be organized on 13, 14 and 15 January 2022 with practical advice on marketing, sales, entrepreneurship and finance for entrepreneurs. At the free three-day online event, no fewer than 32 top speakers share their tips, tricks and everything an entrepreneur needs to know to make 2022 a successful year. The video interviews are a source of inspiration for all (starting) entrepreneurs, freelancers, SMEs and marketers.

The PrepDays are organized by Laura Hamer, founder of FunnelGuru. She has been helping entrepreneurs become and remain successful for more than 20 years with training, coaching and the powerful strategy model FunnelMarketing Framework. The event is being organized for the third time.

Advice for entrepreneurship in an uncertain time

The purpose of the PrepDays is to give entrepreneurs as much practical advice as possible in these uncertain times. Each specialist provides answers to various questions that Laura asks them. In addition to substantive questions, these are sometimes also critical questions. For example, an influencer is asked how she achieved a gigantic reach for her business and whether advertising really brings new customers. Does a financial advisor share his tax tips and how certain schemes immediately bring money into the drawer. And Dennis Wiersma, outgoing State Secretary for Social Affairs and Employment, explains what pension, work stress and subsidies have in common.

Extra attention to online retail

Special attention is also paid to retailers this year. Various specialists share their tips about online retail and combining it with a physical store. Laura explains:“How can a small entrepreneur, a shopkeeper who has to do it all himself, arrange this? These questions yield very useful and easy to implement tips. A retailer will want to get started right away.” The PrepDays are not only interesting for shopkeepers. “The PrepDays are interesting for all entrepreneurs. They receive advice on online marketing, entrepreneurial skills, increasing their brand awareness and, last but not least, customer acquisition. This way, every entrepreneur can get started right away. Join what was called the Netflix for entrepreneurs last year!” says Laura.

Registration is free

Anyone can register for free. In addition to their advice in the interviews, all speakers also share a gift such as white papers, consultations or give away interesting things for the viewers. It is also possible to contact a speaker directly.

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