Family Best Time >> Work

Challenge:put some fun in the office #4

5/ We stop bitching

Of course the canteen beans look like dreadlocks, the carpet looks like a skin disease, and your boss looks like a distorting iPhone app. But if everything was perfect, would you be at your workplace? No, you'd be at the Hilton (and you'd find the gray in the bathroom doesn't match the gray of the caviar on your plate). So, the basis for setting up a climate of marrade is to ignore these problems, and to avoid pestering. Otherwise, you will quickly be accused of "râleuse", "relou", "ronchon", "rigid" and other words starting with "r", which is always a bad sign, at least compared to words starting with "m" (like “funny”, “wonderful”, “magical”…). And no one, even outside of moaning times, will want to come and laugh by your side.

6/ We're working…

It's nice to have fun at the office, but for it to last, there must still be no doubt about our professional abilities. So sometimes we don't feel like laughing at all, but then we don't feel like laughing at all – that's what makes the difference between us and a crazy girl laughing all alone in the subway. For example, we will not feel like laughing at all when our boss announces a worrying drop in activity or when a good client tells us that he has just lost his wife. Without this adapted and measured posture, it's not going to end in laughter, it's in a marrade workshop at Pôle emploi.