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We're back to good habits!

We re back to good habits!

After the confinement that has upset our habits and a special return to school that requires time to adapt, it's time to get back to it. Health, sport, work, here are our practical tips for getting back on track.

Get up to date for your health

With the confinement and the summer, all of our medical follow-up has been put on stand-by. To understand the resumption of activity at the top of your form, it is important to find the good habits of the past. Draw up a checklist of all overdue medical examinations for the children (vaccinations, pediatric follow-up, etc.) and yourself (dentist, gynecology, etc.) and update it as soon as possible. If you are senior, contact your GP to schedule your next follow-up appointments.

To know when your next appointments are and not miss anything, apps like NotreSanté help you manage your daily health. Trouble getting an appointment? Consider medical teleconsultation.

Find family and friends

We have all experienced it, contact with our loved ones is essential. Make a list of all the people you miss and would like to see again. In order to properly organize the reunion, make sure that you are not a contact case and that you do not bring together more than six people, in accordance with the recommendation of President Emmanuel Macron during his speech on October 14. Friends coming to visit you at home? Keep your mask indoors and encourage them to wash their hands regularly.

A peaceful return to work

Even though working from home has its advantages, you have to admit:you miss the coffee break with the colleagues, don't you? If you're back at work, put in place these little rituals to promote team cohesion and find the bond that united you. Yes, even if it is complicated with the wearing of the mask! Some may find it more difficult to socialize again after long months of isolation. But for sure, your good mood will have a positive effect on the morale of the troops.

For those who remain in telework, a watchword:keep in touch! You can use Skype or Zoom and, if you can, join your colleagues for a drink from time to time.

How to avoid mask acne?

To prevent pimples, choose a 100% cotton mask that you wash every day. If you prefer the surgical mask, change it as soon as it is wet at least every 4 hours. Finally, cleanse your skin well at night to prevent impurities from settling and causing acne.

We don't give up on sport

No more sedentary life! It's time to take your sneakers out of the closet. Surely you want to get back to the same rhythm as before! But the inactivity of the past months has left its mark. Start slowly and increase the intensity and frequency of your sessions gradually.

To get back to sport smoothly, apps like Decathlon Coach or Adidas Running by Runtastic or Nike Training Club are really fun and educational. You will benefit from a real sports coach throughout your workouts and will be able to follow your progress.

We only keep good eating habits!

On the food side, no more excuses. Bad eating habits taken during confinement are to be definitively avoided:snacking for example. But did we start cooking? We continue ! Opt for foods with high nutritional value such as fruits and vegetables, and stock up on vitamin C to boost your immune system. Abandon cooked meals, which are bad from a dietary point of view because of their high content of bad fats (essential fatty acids omega-6, pro-inflammatory), salt and additives.

These apps will help you review your diet:

  • Seasonal fruits and vegetables:vegetables, fruits, cheeses, fish, meats… foods are classified by seasonality;
  • FatSecret:calculates for you the number of calories assimilated during the day, and indicates the intake of carbohydrates (sugars) and lipids (fats) that each product gives you;
  • Youmiam:indicate the number of people you are, your favorite products, your food allergies... and the app offers you recipes adapted to your profile;
  • Marché Malin:classifies products by seasonality and offers preparation tips for each ingredient.

The resumption of activity is the time to get back to your good habits, or even to adopt a new way of life, even healthier and more balanced. So here we go, we make checklists and enjoy life, while respecting barrier gestures.