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10 Daily Habits That Hold Back Success

There is no such thing as success after a night's sleep. All successful people have achieved their success by making daily choices. Some of those choices are extraordinary, but most of them are simple habits, one step a day. Highly successful people are self-aware and take their personal development seriously. If you want more success in your work and your life, start changing your day. Here are 10 daily habits that hold back success.

1. You don't have a morning routine.
When you have so much to do and everything is urgent, your precious morning moments are spent in haste. But if you have a routine in the morning, you will have more energy and a better focus to get through the day more effectively.

2. You forget your strengths when difficult things arise.
Often, when we encounter unexpected setbacks, we don't know what to do. But if you remind yourself of your strengths every day, the path to a solution will go better and faster.

3. You focus on a few important things.
Instead of prioritizing the most important things that need to be done every day, focus on how you should be spending your time. Every morning, set the top three things to do every day, or focus on one thing for an hour without interruptions.

4. You're wasting your energy.
Time-consuming tasks such as checking your email too often or people who talk to you too often to avoid their own work should be avoided. With a few small steps, you can take action to manage your schedule, such as turning your phone to "do not disturb" or turning your computer's volume down so that you're not tempted to read the emails again.

5. You work on the tasks that can be transferred to someone else.
You may think you can do everything better, so you do it yourself. This distracts you from what you should be doing. So delegate!

6. You spend too much time recovering from a setback.
Instead of judging a situation and making a plan too quickly, you get sucked into something that eats up your energy and shifts your focus. You can develop habits and mindset to find the many benefits of adversity.

7. You are procrastinating. If you want to do everything too perfectly, it can cause delay. Procrastination can hide a lack of confidence, or a fear of being wronged or criticized. Perfectionism makes us slow to embark on a new initiative, or to begin the next phase of an existing project. Recognizing perfectionism is a big step forward.

8. You avoid difficult conversations. Difficult conversations can be crucial opportunities to gain clarity, to listen and learn, and by the end of the conversation, the relationship can be enriched. If you don't initiate or resolve a conversation, it can only get worse.

9. You don't say thank you.
You will not succeed alone. Every day there are many people on your team who deserve to be thanked. This also has a positive effect on the people around you.

10. You forget that your inner life determines your outer success.
An inner life begins with gratitude. Be grateful for the moment (especially in the toughest times) and it instantly changes your perspective. You will grow with time and will see what is positive and what gives you energy to repeat the process. It is also the basis for optimism. Everyone can learn to be more optimistic.