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Mutual:why is it important?

Mutual:why is it important?

Reimbursement of medical expenses, assistance, prevention:no doubt, mutual insurance has it all. With the health crisis, health coverage has been at the center of French people's concerns. A service with multiple resources, the mutual covers you on a daily basis, and not just for your health expenses.

Mutual insurance, day-to-day security

With the Covid crisis, the French have considered their needs in terms of health expenditure all the more. More than ever, taking care of yourself and your loved ones has become essential. Whatever your age, mutual insurance is a contract that acts as insurance, protecting you from the vagaries and accidents of life while offering you the possibility of reducing your health costs thanks to additional reimbursement.

Why take out mutual health insurance?

To stay healthy, it is important to be able to be protected. In addition to access to care, a financial boost to help with reimbursement is always welcome. This is where mutual insurance comes in.

Reduce the remaining charge

The role of mutual health insurance is to supplement the part of the reimbursements that you are responsible for, that is to say the part not covered by Social Security.


You are undergoing medical treatment, such as a gynecological consultation, the cost of which is equivalent to €40.

The State (via Social Security) can cover 60%, i.e. €24. You therefore have €16 left to pay to reach 100% reimbursement. It is these €16 that are covered by your health insurance. However, it is necessary to count a fixed contribution of 1 €, which is not covered by the mutual insurance company when it is a responsible contract. The amount of reimbursement also depends on the healthcare professional consulted, depending on their sector (1 or 2) and their fees.

This example corresponds to the basic offer. This is a reimbursement following a consultation with a sector 1 approved doctor. There are also more interesting mutual insurance offers, which cover you beyond the agreed rates established by Social Security, for example case of fee overruns.

Be more flexible in your budget

Significant advantage:a mutual allows you a greater margin in certain health budgets. This is particularly the case for expenses for glasses, a hearing aid or a dental device.

Mutual insurance can also be very useful if you have recurring health expenses or several future treatments, if you have a specific pathology (long-term illness, diabetes, etc.) or if you are expecting a child. A significant plus in times of health crisis, during which the financial situation of many households or young people insured has deteriorated. Thus, a mutual allows you not to make a cross on health expenses, for lack of financial means.

What is 100% Health?

The formula put in place by the State concerns the costs of glasses, dental equipment and hearing aids. It allows the insured to have nothing to pay, the expenses being fully reimbursed on the one hand by the Health Insurance and on the other by the mutual insurance companies. To benefit from it, you must therefore be covered by complementary health insurance, which covers the remaining costs for these three care families.

Insurance and care not covered:the other benefits of mutual insurance

Some care is not covered by Social Security, but reimbursed by mutual insurance. This is particularly the case for certain alternative medicines (osteopathy, spa treatments, etc.), but also for costs related to medical transport (ambulances). If you are hospitalized, your mutual insurance company can also cover additional costs, such as a single room, or help you finance home help, for example.

Apart from the strict reimbursement of health costs, other benefits are also offered by mutual insurance companies:assistance in the event of an accident, legal protection, for the elderly with loss of autonomy, etc. A mutual insurance company is also a front-line interlocutor in terms of health. It is an organization that accompanies you on a daily basis, in particular by offering advice and thematic files concerning well-being and prevention.

A mutual fund to protect those around you

Mutual insurance can be taken out through your company or on a personal basis. If you have children or are in a relationship, you can cover them too. To protect your children from a possible accident, but also to ensure optimal health monitoring, mutual insurance is more than useful. Indeed, from childhood, certain medical appointments are regular:check-ups at the dentist and at the optician, if necessary, but also reminders of compulsory vaccines, etc. Subscribing to mutual insurance allows you to provide them with better health coverage, in addition to the part reimbursed by Social Security. Finally, be aware that there are also 100% healthy formulas for students adapted to their needs and resources.

Health crisis:mutuals at the digital turn

The health crisis has profoundly changed our ways of living, but also of working. Thus, many health insurance services are now accessible 100% remotely. New services have also emerged or become more popular, such as teleconsultation, which offers the possibility of carrying out a medical consultation (doctor, psychologist, etc.) remotely, when the pathology allows it. The establishment of a telephone assistance and to help the most deprived, as well as the adjustment of the deduction of contributions, are also part of the adjustments made to adapt to the current situation and the difficulties of each one.

No one is immune to an accident or health problem. This is why subscribing to mutual insurance is more than essential to prepare for the vagaries of life, to protect yourself and your loved ones. What if you discovered the advantages of Mutuelle Mieux-Etre and the various offers offered?

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