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How to estimate your house for a donation or inheritance?

How to estimate your house for a donation or inheritance?

During a donation or an inheritance, it is necessary to estimate the value of the goods that one wishes to transmit. The estimate of the value of a property can be freely assessed by the legatee, who can therefore enter the amount of his choice in the deed of transfer of ownership

However, to calculate the inheritance or gift tax that accrues to the tax authorities, the tax administration gives itself the possibility of contesting this estimate and revising it upwards. It is therefore wise to correctly estimate your house in the case of a gift or an inheritance, in particular to avoid a reassessment by the tax services which leads to an increase in the amounts of inheritance/gift duties initially planned as well as , at the same time, the payment of late payment interest to the tax authorities. How to correctly estimate your house?

Find out about market selling prices

To estimate your house, you can first find out about the real estate prices in your area. Compare your home to another property that is as similar as possible in terms of surface area, location and level of services, among other things. This will give you a first idea of ​​the value of the house that will go into your estate or a gift.

However, and more particularly in the context of a donation and an inheritance, the valuation of a house must be carried out very precisely to get as close as possible to reality. It is then necessary to consider other elements to estimate his house. To compare your property and estimate it more precisely, take into account, for example, the proximity of public transport and shops, the dilapidation of your house or the presence or not of floors.

You can obtain more references on the situation of the market prices of real estate in force at the local level by approaching a real estate agency or a notary. The real estate site of the notaries of France also gives you the possibility of consulting online the sale prices per m 2 the highest, lowest, and median real estate properties in your area, city, or neighborhood.

Estimate your house yourself online

Other simple and free solutions allow you to carry out your own real estate valuation online on platforms available on the Internet. Unlike the only real estate advertisements for properties comparable to yours, which only indicate the proposed sale price (and not the actual sale price), online real estate valuation tools are based on advanced technologies that take into In particular, it takes into account very detailed data at the level of the territorial scale that interests you, from your municipality to your street for example.

These platforms also consider criteria that have a significant impact on the valuation of your property such as proximity to shops, schools, public transport or public services.

These real estate valuation simulators also have the advantage of giving you a price range. This allows you to not focus on a single value and to be able to better compare, and in fact better determine, the value of your house which will enter your estate or which will be the subject of a gift.