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LAsir (Help for retirees in a situation of rupture):explanations

LAsir (Help for retirees in a situation of rupture):explanations

Break-up assistance (Asir) refers to one-off assistance that can be paid to retirees in the event of an exceptional situation, known as a “break-up”, such as the death of a spouse, for example. This aid is intended to improve living conditions both from a material and psychological point of view. The Asir is awarded by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) under certain conditions. Explanations.

What is help in breaking up (Asir)?

Break-up assistance (Asir) is short-term help and support following painful life events. This aid is provided by the National Old Age Insurance Fund (CNAV) to retirees who encounter difficulties following an exceptional situation. This may be the death of the spouse, their entry into a specialized institution for the elderly, hospitalization, etc.

The Asir is a one-time aid that allows you to face a situation that disrupts normal life at a specific moment and limited in time. Its objective is to improve the living conditions at home of the beneficiary who is facing an exceptional rupture situation.

The Asir, intended to cover part of the cost of the services set up at home, can take different forms:support for administrative procedures, help and advice for managing your budget, help with daily household tasks (housing maintenance, shopping, meal preparation, accompanied transport, etc.), the carrying out of minor accommodation work to prevent the loss of autonomy, but also moral support to better cope with an exceptional situation.

The aid plan set up within the framework of Asir cannot exceed a duration of 3 months and the amount of aid is capped at 1,800 euros.

Who can benefit from help in a situation of rupture (Asir)?

Assistance in a situation of rupture (Asir) is intended for all retirees from the general social security scheme, and who have exercised their professional activity for the longest time under this scheme, domiciled in France, who have known in the last 6 months a situation of rupture which disturbs their normal life. It also concerns the elderly classified, in relation to their level of dependence, in the iso-resources group (GIR) 5 and 6, i.e. those considered to need, for example, occasional help for bathing, preparing meals and cleaning, i.e. those who are relatively autonomous for the essential acts of everyday life.

Note:the Asir cannot be granted to retirees who are already receiving the personalized autonomy allowance (Apa), the specific dependency benefit (PSD), the compensatory allowance for third parties (ACTP), the compensation benefit disability (PCH), or the Supplement for a third party (MTP) which concerns people who receive a disability pension. In the same way, retirees who are accommodated in a host family cannot claim Asir.

What steps to ask for help in a situation of rupture (Asir)?

To benefit from assistance in a situation of rupture (Asir), a pensioner must apply for it within 6 months following an exceptional event which disrupts his living conditions such as the death of his spouse, hospitalization, the entry in a retirement home, etc.

Asir's request must be sent to the Cnav using a form available on the website, or directly to his regional pension fund. The social service of the latter can also take care of sending this request to the CNAV.

The applicant's situation is then studied and his needs are assessed by a team that goes to his home, and also according to the services available near his residence.

The amount of aid granted depends on the resources of the requesting pensioner and possibly those of his spouse. It is also determined according to a scale defined by the Cnav and within the limit of the budget available to this fund.