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Real estate credit:which banks lend the most easily?

Real estate credit:which banks lend the most easily?

Need to borrow? Credit institutions do not systematically grant loans to their customers. However, some banks offer financing solutions more easily than others, and often at attractive rates. What are they and how do you compare the borrowing conditions applied by banks in general?

What loans are offered by the different banks?

In the majority of cases, loans are requested from banks. But, depending on the establishment, they can be obtained easily or refused for various reasons. Funding for a project can be done using:

  • A car loan,
  • A mortgage,
  • A work loan,
  • A personal loan,
  • A loan redemption.

Note that interest rates vary from one bank to another, depending on the type of credit and the repayment period.

What about banks that lend easily?

Obtaining a loan from a bank is not always easy, especially if the applicant is not a customer of the establishment. However, there are solutions to obtain a loan easily thanks to:

  • A public bank :unlike the private bank, it grants a loan without any particular problem to people who request it. There are three of them, namely:
    • The Postal Bank :this institution made up of public capital allows any individual or professional to open an account and allocates loans to them if necessary.
    • Municipal credit :it is a public company of a financial nature which practices banking activities in the same way as a traditional bank. Loans are granted to individuals, on advantageous terms without being required to provide a personal contribution.
    • The Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations :it is a public financial institution of collective interest. It carries out its activities on behalf of the State and local authorities.
  • The Commercial Bank :it is a banking group responsible for granting loans to professionals and individuals. This establishment offers all the services of a bank, namely:banking operations, savings solutions, loans, etc.
  • Investment Banking :it is reserved for companies and investors. Loans are granted without too much difficulty as long as the customer can provide proof of all the guarantees essential to his project.
  • The Cooperative Bank :it is a mutual bank open to all where the client is both a partner and a user. It offers the same services as traditional banks. Professionals and individuals who wish to borrow from this establishment easily obtain an agreement and the loans are offered at an attractive rate.

Finally, the consumer has a fairly wide range of establishments likely to grant him the credit he covets.

How to find a bank that lends easily?

When you want to use a bank to apply for a loan, the fastest solution is to use an online credit comparator . It is a reliable decision-making tool that allows you to find the bank likely to offer loans on the best terms. The comparator offers the possibility of better targeting the establishment whose credit rate and financing term are best suited to the profile applicant and their ability to repay.