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7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

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Why? Because an email newsletter is a guaranteed way to spread information to your fans and followers. Of all the ways to promote and grow your business online, it offers the most bang for the buck. And the good news is that there are plenty of services out there that make it easy to set up your first email newsletter. 3 easy ways to start and set up an email newsletter. 3 easy ways to start and set up an email newsletter if you write for the web. Building a good sized readership is a necessary step in boosting your authority online. Starting a newsletter is an effective way to do this. Read more.

The key to a successful newsletter? Making sure it looks good. Fortunately, you can find tons of free templates all over the web. Here are some of the best we've found and how to use them.

How to use email newsletter templates

Email newsletter templates are great because they handle all the design work for you, allowing you to focus 100% on the words you want to say and the content to include. However, as convenient as they are, you'll still have to do a bit of work to achieve this.

1. Download and extract the template.. All templates highlighted in this post are available in ZIP format. Not sure what that is? Check out our helpful post on how to extract files from ZIP archives How to extract files from ZIP, RAR, 7z and other common archives How to extract archives from ZIP, RAR, 7z and other common archives Have you ever faced a .rar file? ? and wondering how to open it? Fortunately, managing ZIP files and other compressed files is simple with the right tools. Here is what you need to know. Read more . Once extracted, you should see a file called index.html or build.html - this is the template.

2. Edit the template. Open the HTML template file using a programming text editor The 5 Best Javascript Editors for Programmers and Productive Programmers The 5 Best Javascript Editors for Programmers and Productive Programmers These days, there are only five editors worth considering when writing JavaScript. You can find dozens of alternatives, but none of them offer a candle to these, so don't waste your time. Read more . DO NOT use a rich text editor like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice because they inject weird code that will mess up the email template.

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Once open, edit the template with the information you want to submit. Feel free to change anything about the template, including the text, images, and even the CSS layout elements.

3. Copy the template. Once everything is edited to your liking, open the HTML template file in your web browser. Go to the menu and select Edit> Select all followed by Edit> Copy . This loads the content of the template to your Clipboard. 5 Tips to Manage Your Windows Clipboard Like a Pro. 5 Tips to Manage Your Windows Clipboard Like a Pro. a lot of writing time. We'll show you how to use it like a pro. Read more.

4. Paste the template.. Now go to your email client, be it Gmail, Outlook, Postbox, Thunderbird, etc., and paste everything into the body of a new email message. If it doesn't look right, you may need to change the email's message type from Plain Text mode to HTML mode.

That's it! Now you can send the email to your newsletter list and your recipients will see an email beautifully rendered according to the template.

1. Answer

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Answer (German for reply or response ) is a minimal template that should be a clean canvas for you to alter however you want. It comes in three varieties:a single column layout, a double column layout, and a triple column layout. As such, Antwort is ideal for just about every type of newsletter imaginable.

All varieties are responsive, which means they look great on both desktop and mobile. If there isn't enough space to display columns, they are converted to sorted rows.

2. Basic

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Like Antwort, BASIC it's a minimal template that needs to be customized however you want it to be. Whether you want to send out new product announcements or simply summarize your most popular forum threads from the past week, this template can do it all.

3. mystical

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Mystic it's perfect for community-oriented sites, including blogs and forums, that want to highlight their best content and send it off as a kind of roundup for readers. It is particularly useful for high volume publications.

The template comes in four color combinations:blue, green, purple, and teal. But if you don't like any of them, you can easily edit all the CSS fields and use your own custom color scheme.

4. Click me

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Unlike most of the other templates on this list, Click Me it's specifically designed for one-time emails that aim to do one specific thing. It would be especially good for welcome emails, password recovery emails, exit emails when users stop using your service, and call-to-action emails for new products.

Go ahead and change the logo image to your liking. Unfortunately, this template only comes in white for the default colors, but you can edit it however you like.

5. Real Estate

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Despite its name, Real Estate can be useful for any type of email that deals with listings in general, not just real estate listings. For example, if your website offers a service that tracks certain new additions to Craigslist or eBay, then this could be the ideal template to display them on.

Everything here is simple and there is absolutely no clutter. The design is easy to use and effective, which means that you will probably get an increase in your click-through rate with this one.

6. Pizza

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Like the real estate template above, Pizza It is not a pizza specific template. If your emails deal with changing item prices, flash deals, or limited-time sale coupons, then you'll probably find this template perfect for your needs. In fact, you'll probably be surprised at how effective it is.

7. new year

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Just like we do every time the new year arrives, New Year is a custom made template for looking back and summarizing all the highlights that happened over a period of time, be it the last week, month or year.

But it can also be useful for non-holiday emails, too. For example, do you just want to send a roundup of interesting tidbits or bits of wisdom? The format of this template is surprisingly good for that. Your imagination is the only limit. Just make sure to customize the color scheme!

Bonus:Zurb Email Templates

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

If none of the above options fit your needs, you can check out the 11 free email templates available at Zurb . Have you ever heard of Foundation, the front-end framework that powers all sorts of themes and layouts on the web? If so, then you know Zurb is the real deal.

The great thing about Zurb's email templates is that you can tell they were made by people who have a knack for design. These templates are clean and effective, and there are plenty of layouts to choose from, including some that have sidebars, eCommerce highlights, and other useful features.

And of course all of these designs are responsive. You can even test each template with Litmus and see how the emails would look in dozens of clients like Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo! Mail, Android, iOS, and more.

Bonus:Campaign Monitor Email Templates

7 Free Responsive Email Newsletter Templates Your Readers Will Love

Campaign Monitor It's another place where you can get high-quality email newsletter templates. The first selling point here is that Campaign Monitor is a company that specializes in email marketing campaigns, so you can rest easy knowing they have the expertise to make templates that work.

The other selling point is that you don't just pull a template out of the rack and use it as-is:once you select one of the 24 featured templates, you can further customize it with the provided drag-and-drop editor. Change colors, add new elements and change things to your liking.

When you're done, Campaign Monitor will ask you to create an account with them, but you can skip it by clicking the Download as HTML and CSS button. link instead. However, you will still need to enter your email address for the files.

What is your newsletter about?

Whatever you do, just make sure you don't clutter your newsletter with unnecessary information. Also, avoid spamming your readers with too many newsletters in a given period of time. Remember that it's not hard for them to declutter your inbox by unsubscribing!

Which of the templates above do you like the most? If you don't like any of them, check out our other article with even more free newsletter templates. 13 Free Newsletter Templates You Can Print or Email as a PDF. Educators and groups are easy to customize and perfect for printing or sharing on your website. Read more.