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Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

Checklists aren't very exciting, but there's evidence that they can make a big difference in how well you do something. Nine hospitals in Michigan instituted a checklist system to reduce the number of infections in their intensive care units (ICUs), and infections dropped by 66%, saving 1,500 lives and $75 million in health care costs over the course of the year. a period of 18 months.

The hospital checklist only had five items, and it included things everyone already knew they should be doing. But only because they knew they should doing them doesn't mean they actually did they. They are often forgotten. And if the doctors in the ICU are forgetting simple things, it stands to reason that you are, too. A checklist can change that.

Why we forget the basics

It is not entirely clear why we forget the things we know. Everybody forgets things, sometimes it's because we don't store the information in memory, sometimes we can't move something from short-term to long-term memory, and sometimes it's because there are other things in our brain that come into play. play. the way.

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

The latter is probably the most common when it comes to forgetting things we know we should do. Our brains are constantly processing information, especially if you are surfing the Internet. How the simplicity of browsing the web can help you focus. How the simplicity of web browsing can help you focus. You can be more attentive to your browsing to focus, reduce stress, and be much more useful with your time online. With practice, you can strengthen your "mindfulness muscles." Read More

This can make you forget all sorts of things. You could forget to document a process you just did, leading to duplication when someone else does it. You could forget to check your numbers in a spreadsheet and miss a mistake. It could be something small, like forgetting to stretch in the morning when you're trying to make it a habit. How to form a new habit when it seems too difficult to continue How to form a new habit when it seems too difficult to maintain Habits are not formed overnight. Every year, we make these resolutions that require major changes. If you want a new habit, you have to be prepared for the pitfalls and how to overcome them. Read more . The human mind is amazing in its ability to forget almost anything..

Get it off your hands (brain)

This is why checklists are so helpful, because they take the burden of remembering off your brain and onto paper. The role is not forgotten. A computer doesn't forget either (unless something goes terribly wrong. How to Diagnose and Repair a Dead Hard Drive to Recover Data How to Diagnose and Repair a Dead Hard Drive to Recover Data Several years ago, I experienced a hard drive failure at work. when my laptop suddenly started acting particularly strange. About half an hour later, the hard drive audibly failed and the laptop... Read More When you create a checklist and refer to it before you act, all you need to do is look at the list and do the things on it, and you make fewer mistakes. It's that simple.

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

Checklists are useful in all kinds of situations:at work, at home, in your personal life, even for really basic things like getting ready in the morning before you go to work. Do you keep forgetting to take your USB stick to work? Add it to a checklist. Want to make sure you track your time working on a specific project? Make a checklist by the end of the day to make sure you don't forget.

There's no limit to how many checklists you can make and how much time and energy you can save by taking advantage of unlimited paper and silicone memory.

Tools for making checklists

Fortunately, there are tons of great tools for making checklists. You could go old school and keep checklists in a paper notebook 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App A touch device, and should not be immediately discarded. Not convinced? Here are six reasons why the role is still relevant. Read More You can use a plain text file to keep track of your checklists, if you're a fan of the minimalist look of your computer.

Of course, there are many other great tools you can use to manage your checklists, each of which can be invaluable if you decide to make a lot of different lists. Wunderlist, for example, allows you to make different to-do lists. How to use the new Wunderlist folders to enhance your to-do list. How to use the new Wunderlist folders to grow your to-do list. Wunderlist has a big update with two essential new features. for a good task app:organize and add tasks quickly. Does this help make it your productivity app of choice? Read more; You could create one for each checklist.

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

Microsoft's OneNote can also be great for keeping lists organized; keyboard shortcuts, embedded files, and links to other Microsoft programs mean you have all the tools you need to manage and access your checklists. a to-do list on your to-do list? Set it up in OneNote to make things as easy as possible. Read More Evernote and other note-taking apps Time to ditch Evernote? Letterspace &Fetch Are these attractive alternatives when ditching Evernote? Letterspace and Fetch are Attractive Alternatives If you're looking for a supplement or alternative to Evernote, let me, a notebook addict, suggest Letterspace or Fetchnotes for simplicity and ease of use. Read More Even Microsoft Word can create checklists (see instructions below).

You Can Use Trello For Just About Anything 10 Unique Uses Of Trello Other Than Project Management 10 Unique Uses Of Trello Other Than Project Management Trello is a list lover's delight. His Kanban-style approach was not intended just for project management. Don't you believe us? Check out these ten unique uses of Trello. Read More And you can access it from your phone, which makes it a great app for keeping mobile lists. 8 Best Android To-Do List Management Apps 8 Best Android To-Do List Management Apps Don't try to juggle dozens of tasks in your head. These amazing Android task management apps help you to keep track of your to-do list efficiently. Read more.

If you just want to make a checklist and print it out, there are plenty of online tools to help you. The Printable Checklist is a low-cost, no-hassle checklist generator. Just click Add item to add more items to your list and type what each item should be. Then print away. allows you to create your own list or choose from 55 different categories that you can download and use right away. There's even a mobile app so you can access your lists from anywhere.

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

Chances are, if there's something you need to do, someone else has already created a list you can use. Just look for the [what you're doing] checklist and see what comes out. We've even posted checklists here on MakeUseOf; we have a two-part PC spring cleaning checklist A Spring Cleaning Checklist for Your PC Part 2:Eliminate Wasted Free and Junk Space [Windows] maintenance is often neglected, resulting in wasted of hard drive space and a bloated operating system that runs ever slower. To avoid a dreaded Windows reinstall, you should do a full cleanup of at least... Read More That Wasn't Using a VPN But Should Have Been:The VPN Checklist If you haven't already considered signing up for a VPN to ensure your privacy, now is the time. More information, and six routine digital checklists. Finetune 6 Vital digital routines with simple checklists. Finetune 6 Vital Digital Routines with Simple Checklists. A good checklist breaks down the complex into a series of logical steps. If you don't use this tool anymore in your daily life, it's time for you to start. Read more.

Make a printable checklist in Microsoft Word

Of course, if you want to make your own checklist, you can fall back on an old standby:Microsoft Word. To create a printable checklist in Word, you'll need to make a bulleted list. Click the arrow next to the list button, then click Define new bullet . Click Font and choose Wings , then click Symbol and choose the empty square.

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

Now just type your list and a checkbox will appear next to each item. Print it out and you'll have a checklist!

Use checklist templates and tools to avoid mistakes

It's also possible to create a checklist that you can check off in Word, but that's more involved and a lesson for another day (Microsoft support has a tutorial if you're interested).

Stop forgetting:start checking

Now that you know the benefits of checklists and have a wide range of tools at your disposal to create them, you can start creating your own lists for things you're likely to forget. Whether you're making your own checklist with Microsoft Word, managing an entire list system in Trello, or printing out some pre-made checklists, you can be sure you'll make fewer mistakes no matter what you do. work.

What are the things you often forget and have you found other ways to remind yourself? Please share in the comments!