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Grant Cardone wants you to be like Santa Claus

Grant Cardone knows something about reinventing himself. He went from a poor kid struggling to pay
for college to the top car salesman in Louisiana to a real estate tycoon,
author and one of the leading trainers in sale of the country. Along the way, he is
creating a brand for himself and tweaking that brand to reflect the goals and
qualities he has acquired in the meantime.

January brings not just
into a new year, but a new decade and a great time to consider what qualities
you want to reflect in the world. Cardone has a few
seasonal tips to consider for 2020.

"Be like Santa Claus," he
said. “Santa Claus is a successful guy. Jolly St. Nick embodies some of Cardone's best
qualities in a great salesperson. Let's see how.

1. Claus and consistency.

Santa doesn't miss
deadlines. If he did, Christmas would be ruined. “Year after year he shows up,” Cardone said.

Many people enter
sales because they gravitate towards the freedom to be the master of their
own results. Sales allows some people to work from home or keep their
program. A sales commission can mean making a big chunk of income in a
single day instead of getting a paycheck every week that won't increase until
someone else decides to take you on. give a raise.

But even without
the obligations of a typical 9 to 5, you still have to show up. A big sale might
allow you a financial cushion, but if you're trying to build something big,
you'll try to replicate it the very next day. The World's Greatest
Achievements start with great ideas, but there are no shortcuts
Constant hard work. People like to talk about Santa's magic, but that's pretty
the job he has to do every year. "Dude works his ass off," Cardone
says. "He works 24 hours a day."

2. Santa Claus is his own brand.

What do each success
brand have in common? More people know they exist than buy their products. Do
you think every person who knows who you are is going to invest in you?
Probably not. But people are made comfortable by something they know
with. Try to think of times when you have subconsciously found a product more
believable just because you met someone else who heard about it.

Let's be honest, Santa is
allowed to break into our homes because we all know who he is. It is a
household name. “No matter where you live or what your religion is, you know
about Santa,” says Cardone.

You can't be shy and build
a brand. You might be an introvert in your personal life, but whatever you are
selling needs to be outgoing. Santa Claus may be doing some charity work, but he
is not exactly modest about it. "He makes sure everyone knows it," Cardone
points out. There is appearance to creating something that people will remember. "He's
got his reins. He has his sled. Everything is a demonstration. "

Sure, your product
should speak for itself, but that's usually how customers come back.
The best way to attract new customers is to create a brand that speaks to your
customers. “[Santa] makes a lot of noise,” Cardone reminds us. "He's in every
store. »

3. Santa Claus is EVERYWHERE.

Unless you're a very
ambitious kid reading, you might be a little reluctant to
believe that Santa's ability to descend every chimney on Earth to
Giving gifts to every boy and girl could be useful to someone
in, well, the real world.

But Cardone suggests that
you don't need magic to be everywhere at once. He developed the 10x rule,
which among other things states that whatever you think you want to
achieve, you should try to achieve that goal multiplied by 10. You
don't not be rewarded for a perfect percentage of sale. What's better:the
10 for 10 commission on sales pitches or the commission
goes 65 percent on sales pitches?

"Santa is the
perfect example of the 10x rule:he's everywhere, ubiquitous, believed by
everything," says Cardone. "Even people who don't believe in Santa Claus talk about
Santa Claus. »

When you start one
person, you are only in the mind of one person. You may only be able to make one sale at a time,
but you want lots of people thinking about you at once. “The
ultimate solution to all sales is the top of the funnel,” says Cardone. “A lot
of tracks. There shouldn't be too many people viewing your offer.

"Make sure you're everywhere," advises Cardone. “Accelerate this year. Be someone people look up to. »