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To achieve your next big goal, follow the 10-80-10 rule

So you have a new project in mind:a major undertaking, a change of course, the kind of thing that will put your company on the map or reassert its dominance in the market.

And you feel a bit…overwhelmed.
This leadership is not for the faint-hearted. Even after all these years, a new adventure gives me both a surge of excitement and a nervous thrill. There's a lot at stake, after all:money, time, reputation.
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That's why today we're going to rethink the project cycle, simplify it, and focus your energy on the times when strong leadership is most critical:at the start and end. end.
I call it my 10-80-10 rule. You give 100% of your attention to the beginning and end of the effort, and you let your team lead it – occasionally tugging on the reins – during the long middle. I adapted this from the Pareto principle, the idea that 80% of your results come from 20% of your contribution.
So let's start at the beginning, where leadership will set your team on the path to success or will leave her stranded with no GPS and a vague idea of ​​where to go.
To get started, they need four things from you:vision, direction, creativity and empowerment.
What do you see? Why is this company important? What could he accomplish? How might it benefit the organization or its larger goals? Where does each team member fit into the equation?
I stress the last one because many emerging leaders forget to mention it when outlining their ideas. If team members don't know their role, how can they feel invested? If they don't see themselves in the photo, why should they join? Believe me, your project will go further if your team is fully engaged.

If team members don't know their role, how can they feel invested? If they don't see themselves in the photo, why should they join?

When you cast the vision, you must come behind it with concrete directions. Your team members may be inspired by an idea, but they become sure of direction. This is where many leaders fall short. They have the vision but they don't know or articulate what it takes to get there.
"The value of an idea lies in its use," said Thomas Edison. Don't let your ideas linger on forever with no way to bring them to fruition.
When I say give direction, I'm not talking about step-by-step instructions. After all, chances are you've wandered into uncharted territory. Your team needs to know where they're going, who gets them to each step, the deadlines they're expected to meet, the resources they have, and the limits (if any) you set.
How they get to this endpoint is a different conversation. The first stage of a project is the most creative. Now is the time to think unconventionally, to explore all possible ways to achieve the vision. Once you get to the heart of the project – the 80% – creativity can get in the way of progress. But originally, let your imagination run wild. The best ideas don't just appear; they evolve. Give them wings.
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Leaders who insist on micromanaging will quickly find that their overreach slows down workflow, weakens creativity and deflates people's confidence.
Give your team the tools they need:materials, training, research, time and money. General George S. Patton said while driving through France:“Our main difficulty right now is not the Germans, but gasoline. If they gave me enough gas, I could go as far as Berlin. Feed your staff, then get clear.
I have to admit:it's tough. I learned the hard way that trying to oversee every aspect of a new project is just too daunting, too complicated, and too frustrating. During the middle phases of a project, I transition from project manager to cheerleader. This stage is messy, filled with flops, setbacks, and unforeseen detours. I'm here to breathe the spirit of my team and encourage them to persevere.
So that brings us to the final phase of the project, and time for you, the leader, to step back, full throttle .
Add your voice.
There's a reason you're the leader. You have experienced the hard knocks, counted the successes, learned from the rise and fall of others. Give the project your unique character. Your experiences have given you the wisdom and insight to elevate creation even higher.
Acknowledge contributions.
Find opportunities to openly praise and publicly celebrate the work of your colleagues. Your recognition will validate their work, fuel their growth, inspire them to offer even more to your organization, not to mention earn you extra respect as a leader.
Look for additional opportunities.
You have given birth to a creation for a predetermined purpose, but what else can you do with it? I worked for years on creating my Maximum Impact Club lessons, amassing a library of audio recordings. One day an associate suggested that I bundle and sell my top 100 talks. I admit:I laughed at his idea. Who would want to hear me for so long? But she convinced me otherwise and she was right. This collection generated approximately $1 million. You have opened a door by simply breathing life into your creation. How many more buttons will you turn? Remember:no business opportunity is ever wasted. It's just that if you don't see it, your competitor will surely find it.
Burn the 10-80-10 equation into your mind and let it guide and simplify your next attempt. By channeling your energy into the beginning and end of a project, you'll focus your skills where they matter and pull them back when it's time for your team to shine.
Related: 6 Daily Practices of Great Leaders

This article originally appeared in the December 2017 issue of SUCCESS magazine.