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Why a quality logo is the foundation of your business

Over 94% of the world recognizes the Coca-Cola logo. This is perhaps the most successful branding of all time.

This kind of recognition may seem out of reach for small businesses, but it's not. A strong branding strategy led by a quality logo can help any business grow.

Logos are simple but instantly recognizable images that customers associate with a brand. They will remember them and feel more connected to your business when they see them.

Read on to find out why you need a quality logo and how to create one.

Why you need a quality logo

Branding is the best way to create a loyal customer base. Make sure every element is consistent and relevant to your customers; businesses that primarily sell to women need feminine brand design.

Logos should be the first step when creating your brand strategy. They will appear in every other advertising method you use, from advertisements to business cards, so they should be carefully designed.

It takes them about 10 seconds to form an opinion on your logo. If it doesn't look professional or unattractive, they can move on to another company.

Businesses can communicate through logos. It's more than telling potential customers what you're selling and why they should buy it.

Logos tell customers what's important to your business, and 89% of customers are loyal to brands that share their values. You can also use them to explain how you are different from other companies.

How to make a quality logo

The visual aspects of your logo should focus on a single element that will appeal to your audience. This helps them remember who you are and entices them to come into your store.

Color is one of the most important elements of a quality logo as it increases brand recognition by up to 80%. Pick a consistent palette and use color theory to make sure you're triggering the right emotions.

Use the right typefaces for your logo text. Make sure they're easy to read but aesthetically pleasing and fit the purpose and spirit of your brand.

Customers need to see your logo 5-7 times before they remember your brand. You will need to balance the reach or number of people who see your logo and the frequency or number of times they see your logo.

Your logo should make a statement while remaining simple and visually appealing. Creating one can be difficult, but it is possible with the help of a design professional.

Where to find out more

Branding encourages customers to make a purchase and helps keep your business top of mind the next time they need your product or service. This is an essential task for any business, and it starts with a quality logo.

Use a simple, eye-catching design that shows who you are and why you're different from other businesses in your niche. Make sure customers see it enough to remember, but focus on those who will make a purchase.

Read the rest of our content for tips on creating a great logo and branding strategy.