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Voice, visual and vertical search strategies that will outperform your competitors

The integral fragments of a successful SEO (Search Engine Optimization) strategy may have remained relatively constant. However, their purpose and definition have changed drastically over time. Driven by trends such as voice, visual, and vertical search, the industry's reach has evolved and expanded into something more dynamic.

ContentsVoice Search StrategiesCapitalize on Structured DataPrecise and Direct to the PointVisual Search StrategiesVertical Search StrategiesData MattersTake Away

Understanding your competitor's strategy, positioning, as well as the competitive landscape, has become a prerequisite for modern digital marketing success. With this, voice, visual and vertical search has revolutionized the search landscape.

Whether spoken or typed, search queries are believed to be the way customers explore critical information and make critical decisions. However, some marketers fail to set a competitive benchmark before executing digital strategies.

You don't want to be stacked in the market and start losing thousands of dollars to competitors measured by conversions, revenue, and traffic, do you? Maximizing your digital performance, understanding your competitor and using competitive intelligence will bring you success.

Here are some of the best search strategies you can use to outperform your competition.


Voice, visual and vertical search strategies that will outperform your competitors

Voice search is not a fad. If you haven't included it in your 2019 SEO strategy, you must be missing some valuable information. Voice search is voice recognition that allows individuals to perform searches by speaking into a device.

These devices range from home assistant devices, computers to a smartphone that make a query through a digital assistant or search engine. Over the years, Google voice search queries have grown exponentially.

For this reason, it is essential to adopt the development. Equate them to your voice search SEO tips and marketing strategy. Take a look at these strategies to better develop your voice search plans and not get left behind by your rivals.

Capitalize on structured data

The most crucial step to taking full advantage of voice search is to use structured data on all the appropriate factors in your content. There are plenty of statistical reports on voice search that might be useful to marketers today. The reports will provide important information that will help find long-tail keywords and present the results accurately.

As long-tail search is back, your brand’s main SEO should focus on formulating a search engine-friendly website. It is important that you establish a comprehensive FAQ with pages that answer and answer specific questions. Respond briefly in one paragraph. Keep them informative instead of being overly promotional.

Precise and direct-to-the-point

Providing convenience to your audience is a key asset in driving more traffic to your site. Keep in mind that your content should be based solely on the needs and wants of your audience. Related to this, user engagement and traffic to your site will also improve productively.


Voice, visual and vertical search strategies that will outperform your competitors

With Instagram and Pinterest playing a huge role in social media, many searches are now considered visually targeted. Users and consumers want to see information instead of just reading it. In Pinterest which has over 600 million visual searches, it is evident that this progressive technology is at its peak.

That said, here's what you can do to incorporate visuals into your content.

  • Make images a better part of your online presence to make an appropriate goal and generate changes in the image search algorithms.
  • Configure an image XML sitemap for the magnificent discovery of the images that you have in your content. With this, users can see the visual images of your content in the Google image result.
  • Centralize and optimize your images according to best practices so that your content appears in search results.
  • Think about your brand image so that your brand visual and vocal presence align.


Voice, visual and vertical search strategies that will outperform your competitors

Research has now become multifaceted, more complex and more ambient than ever. Research is constantly evolving. As voice and visual search improves, so do various types of searches. Research exists in many industries such as TripAdvisor, Airbnb, Amazon and others.

These industries are popular for customizing and meeting the requirements of their customers. With this, marketers take advantage of the situation that allows users and consumers to visit websites that continuously meet their needs.

Vertical search engines contain information on a particular subject encompassing Google. These specialized search engines aim to reach people interested in a specific area and convey a targeted, narrow audience to the company advertising them.

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Data is an important factor

In vertical search, you need to focus on enriching data and information. We all know that consumers would explore various sites for different purposes. This strongly suggests that customer expectations would differ based on analytics data.

As a business, you should consider looking at data on each platform to identify the expectations of a particular audience or customers visiting your site. In addition to in-depth data analysis, here are some tips to provide a starting point for your vertical search content.

  • Learn more about ranking factors this will give you a better understanding of what content is needed and how it is assessed.
  • Analyze and review all available data so you can know exactly what your audience needs and wants. By doing so, you can now align your brand with these needs.
  • Be consistent across different platforms so that everything you offer matches the voice of your brand.
  • Adapt content to each platform , so it matches and is equal to the needs of target analytics that are used in each platform and to reduce duplicate content.


The interconnection between content marketing, digital expertise, and tech SEO will continue to grow and improve in the years to come. With this, it only means that they will dwell on vertical, visual and vocal improvisation.

Although it may seem disconcerting, experienced marketers explain what this new order means to them. They are now starting to administer their strategies today.