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5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Instagram Advertising

Whether you're a marketer, small business owner, or blogger, Instagram is arguably the most popular social networking platform for ads right now. This can greatly help you increase your visibility on social networks.

SummaryVisual ads are the way to go if you want to appeal to Gen ZAd blockers will get more sophisticatedTV ads are less effectiveInstagram users are more engagedVisual messages are immediate

If you haven't jumped on the bandwagon yet, here are seven reasons why you should consider Instagram advertising.

Visual-ads are the-way-to-go if you want to appeal to Gen Z

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Instagram Advertising

If you're in the advertising business, you've probably heard of Gen-Z. The term encompasses anyone born after 1995. They are considered the first true digital natives.

Gen Z grew up alongside social media, ubiquitous smartphone use, and a deluge of smart devices. By 2020, Gen Z will catch up to 24.7% of the US population.

For Gen Z, social media is more than just a way to pass time on the commute to school or work. It's a lifestyle. 96% of Gen-Z own a smartphone, while 85% learn about new products through social media. A recent study, courtesy of eMarketer, found that engagement with Facebook among teens and tweens decreased by 3.4%.

Instead, the 12 to 17 demographics migrated to Instagram and Snapchat in droves, with some bypassing Facebook altogether. With an attention span of 8 seconds, the generation that will eventually make up 40% of American consumers is primarily driven by visual communication.

So if you want to attract a younger audience, choose visual social media like Snapchat and Instagram over Facebook or Twitter.

See also:5 Instagram tools that can improve brand performance

Ad-blockers-will-become more sophisticated

Digital advertising is currently facing a purge when it comes to online ads and you can't say we haven't had it. Endless pop-ups, annoying auto-games, and spam-baiting titles have led to the rise of the ad blocker.

Here are some quick stats, courtesy of Just Page, to get you up to speed:

  • 11% of the global internet uses ad blocker technology
  • 74% of ad block users report leaving a website with ad block walls
  • Discontinued ad formats are the main motivation for installing adblockers
  • Users aged 18-44 are most likely to install aggressive adblockers
  • Google and Apple are rolling out newer and more sophisticated methods of ad blocking software. This should cripple traditional digital advertising revenue streams.
  • Savvy marketers will turn to audience matching and influencers during interruptive ad experiences.

Social media influencers are ready to outrank celebrities when it comes to paid endorsements and product placements. 60% of Gen Zers say they would rather see influencers in brand campaigns than celebrities. For this reason, influencer marketing has increased by 90% since 2013.

Using Instagram influencers to promote products is one way to thwart an ad blocker.

TV commercials are less effective

For decades, television commercials have been the Goliath of the advertising industry. But, thanks to the ever-present smartphone, TV ads are pushed aside from mobile traffic.

The next time you're watching a big sports game with your friends, pay attention to what's happening during the commercial break. How many of your friends check their phones?

Research found an unusual spike in pay-per-click ads on Instagram for men aged 13-17 during the second trimester. This was particularly unusual, given that Instagram has a female demographic slant that tends to monopolize CPC trends.

Guess what happened during Q2? The NBA playoffs!

It turns out that 45% of NBA fans were under 35, and NBA fans were the most active on Instagram. LeBron James has more Instagram followers than the NFL, Patriots and NFL combined.

While mega-corporations still spend millions of dollars occupying commercial real estate during major TV events, smaller businesses can benefit from targeting specific user groups based on TV events and commercial breaks.

There is data to back this up.

A recent study by Alphonso found that mobile device usage spikes during prime-time television, and the spikes line up perfectly with commercial breaks. “Every 15 or 20 minutes, just when there is a TV commercial break, you see a massive spike in mobile activity,” the Alphonso founder told CNBC.

Instagram users are more engaged

Snapchat might still be the darling of the social media world. But, when it comes to strong brand engagement, Instagram is still the best dog.

While the exact engagement rate has fluctuated in recent years, it was recorded at 4.21% compared to Facebook's 0.07% in 2014, according to Forrester. Although Instagram's engagement rates dipped in 2015, it still beats Facebook when it comes to converting a customer who continues to engage with a brand, even when the promotion is over.

While you may think this metric appeals to more “visual” products, like the fashion and beauty industry, this trend has been seen across various product segments. This includes brands such as Ford Fiesta, General Electric and Red Bull.

See also:How to increase your Instagram followers in 2017

Visual messages are immediate

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Instagram Advertising

With increasingly shortened attention spans, American consumers are taking less time to read that ad copy you've spent weeks meticulously editing. According to research from the Post-It Company, the human brain processes an image 60,000 times faster than text. This means you can connect with your audience much faster.

Here are some more interesting statistics on the benefits of visual advertising:

  • The average person only reads 20% of a given web page
  • 90% of the information sent to the brain is visual
  • Content with visuals gets 90% more views
  • 65% of people are visual learners
  • 40% of people respond better to visuals than text

To create a lasting impression on your audience, consider switching up your text-heavy ads and retargeting your audience with visuals.

To learn more about Instagram advertising, see the infographic below.

Source:How much do Instagram ads cost in 2017?

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Instagram Advertising