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If you're a blogger, do you know how to maximize your guest posting efforts and become well-known?

Guest blogging has become very popular due to changes that Google deems acceptable when it comes to search engine optimization (SEO). on their website.

The way I use guest blogging is not for SEO purposes because when you think like that, you start writing too robotically. Then you are no longer writing for an audience of people. Do it for the benefit of other bloggers who are in the same niche as you. Your reward for bringing them a unique perspective is an influx of traffic.

But… Guest blogging is tough. Not as hard as you think.

If you think you have to be a well-known author first, you're wrong. Everyone can do it. When I say anyone, I really mean it. Even if not a single person on earth has heard of you before, you have a chance to guest blog.

How? 'Or' What? All it really takes is the first step, sending them an email. It's simple in theory, but there are several things you should keep in mind when researching potential blogs.

Here's what you need to know to give yourself an edge:

The majority of “writers” lack basic grammatical skills.

If you have a good command of basic grammar, you will stand out more. You don't have to be someone who's got a writing degree or anything. Blogs are very casual.

People are rude and all they can talk about is ‘me, me, me’.

When emailing blogs you want to write, check to see if any guidelines are available. Follow each instruction carefully. Failure to do so will show disrespect on your part.

Also, make sure you don't talk about yourself throughout the email. Be authentic and tell them how their audience will find your content engaging because it's relevant to them. Isn't that right? Then you watch the wrong blog or write content that would be better on another blog.

Bloggers are more willing to talk to you than you think, even people you think are “too busy.”

What's the worst that could happen if you're turned down? Pulled on the ego, that's about it. But if you sit on it and do nothing, you end up with nothing anyway.

Personally, I prefer the email method as I enjoy conversing and connecting with people who share the same interests as me. Then I offer to write a guest post for them when I think I have something their audience would really benefit from. It's a relationship, so treat it as such.

Looking for guest posting opportunities

Besides Google and the blogs you already follow, you can make your life easier by checking out websites that actively advertise as guest-friendly posts. My Blog Guest is a guest blogging community where you can register and search for blogs that accept guest posts. You then offer them your article and get in touch. Keep in mind what I said above about maintaining a relationship.

Another popular option is Blogger Link where you can fill out a form, follow its instructions, and be put on a list to be contacted by bloggers.

However, emailing is not the only way to find guest posts. There are networks that make guest blogging much more streamlined and automatic when it comes to finding opportunities.

PostJoint allows blog owners to submit their website to their database and wait for other writers to create the content and pitch it to them.

They manually moderate and confirm each blog owner and guest blogger to ensure that each user comes from a high-quality background, minimizing risk for both parties.

Higher PageRank (PR) blogs may require editors to pay a fee to be published, but editors can choose whether or not they want to pay. In general, being published for free will limit the options to lower PR blogs.

The way it works:

1. Guest bloggers submit articles they would like to see featured on another blog in their niche.

2. Blog owners skim through posts until they find one that interests them. They can read an excerpt from the article and contact the author to offer him a publication price.

3. The guest blogger can receive up to 5 different offers and he or she chooses the most attractive one.

4. The chosen blog owner can then view the full post, contact the author, and find the best way to work together.

It's more automated in that you can sit back and wait for offers from relevant niches to come to you.

There are tons of different strategies you can use to start guest posting more often. Regardless of what you do, you should always take the plunge and not worry about getting a “no”.

Never forget that guest blogging should benefit both you and the blog owner. Yes, you know you will get more traffic. They know it too. But you need to focus on quality and relationship building. Believe me when I say long-term bonds will help a lot more in the future than a small spike in traffic.

Photo credit :C4Chaos