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Trials and Transformations:How Jessica Dennehy Helps Business Leaders Pivot and Chart Their Path to Success

For most people, the freedom to live and work outside the constraints of a 9-5 job is an enjoyable daydream, but not something they'd be brave enough to seriously pursue. But for Jessica Dennehy, founder and CEO of Pivot &Slay, stepping back from her traditional career path has led her down a more extraordinary path – and now she's empowering others to do the same.

Through Pivot &Slay, Dennehy helps clients navigate life's hardships to find the strength and motivation to build their careers and create dream lives on their own terms. She encourages entrepreneurs to devote all that energy once spent building a career at someone else's company and instead focus it on building their own ideal life. P>

"That's the kind of momentum I always encourage people to harness," she said. “That energy you are putting towards someone else's dream right now could go towards your own dream. Once this bulb lights up, you will be unstoppable.

A transformative leader

Dennehy didn't start out as a small business consultant, or even as someone dreaming of one day owning their own business. After graduating from law school and landing a prestigious job as a Wall Street regulator, she began dipping her toes in the waters of entrepreneurship by opening a luxury hair salon in 2012. As she went as the business gained momentum, so did his dreams of being a business owner.

"I began to feel the freedom that owning a business could provide and decided it was time to make it my full-time job," she said. “I still put my legal and regulatory experience to good use:we tripled the company and opened a site abroad. None of my life experiences have ever been wasted, and I think that's true for many entrepreneurs.

For Dennehy, another driving force behind his desire to become a business owner instead of working for someone else was the abundance of ways to offer community support. Business owners are members of the community in ways that corporations are not, she said, and the ability to give back in such tangible ways was incredibly appealing to her.

"I strongly believe in the transformative power of community," she said. “Even during the pandemic, when the hair salon had to close for several months, I was still able to be on the ground supporting the community by using my contacts to provide over 100,000 surgical masks to healthcare workers and first responders. This alone is enough to show that entrepreneurs are an essential part of a community ecosystem.

The pandemic also planted the seeds for Pivot &Slay within Dennehy. As she began to coach small business owners through closures and restrictions and helped them develop reopening protocols and small business loan applications, she began to think, "What if this becomes my new life ? »

A transformative mindset

Pivot &Slay is founded on the principle that hard work, humility, dedication and a positive mindset make any business owner a force to be reckoned with. Dennehy's belief that things learned through life experience have a powerful impact on the lives of others is the driving force behind the work she does through Pivot &Slay.

"When I realized I could use my experiences to empower others to achieve success like mine, I was so excited to get to work transforming lives in a different way," she said. declared. “From CEOs to aspiring entrepreneurs, I help clients pivot their business and their mindset because you definitely need both to grow and succeed.

For Dennehy, no two customers are identical – and that's the pleasure! What sets Pivot &Slay apart is its ability, as the name suggests, to pivot when it comes to its advice. From resources and guidance to leadership and guidance, each client receives personalized attention and actions that are designed for what they need to succeed.

"I'm really here to help everyone, from digital media experts and influencers to authors and CEOs," she said. “If you come to the table ready to be transformed, I am very happy to meet you there and help you find the path to success that is right for you. »

About Pivot &Slay

Pivot &Slay's transformative programs empower leaders and entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zone to find their authentic selves and begin taking the risks necessary for success. Founder Jessica Dennehy has been featured in the New York Post, and Billionaire Success. To discover its services, visit