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#Ikbenerevenniet – what about your health care balance?

Research shows that women currently worry twice as much as men. With the advent of the participatory society, more and more care responsibilities are transferred to citizens. Not a big deal, just WOMEN Inc. rightly wonders what the effect will be on women. What about the health care balance? Will this extra burden of care mainly end up on the shoulders of women? If this extra burden of care does indeed end up on women, it will be at the expense of women's labor participation and economic independence. That can never be the intention.

What about your health care balance?

That is why WOMEN Inc is launching the public campaign #ikbenerevenniet, with targeted actions towards women, men, employers, policy makers and everyone involved in this topic. We call on all women throughout the Netherlands to May 1 (Labor Day) to leave their unpaid care duties to others for one day. A day to reflect on your ideal balance of care and work and thus create more awareness around this subject. Will you join us?