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Power on Tour, what about your financial independence?

There is a big difference between how Dutch women think about financial independence and what the actual situation is. 81% of women consider financial independence to be important to themselves. This indicates that they want to be able to take care of themselves. But what does that mean? Being able to take care of yourself means, among other things, more freedom of choice, greater independence and a stronger position in society. Force on Tour is working on that! Did you know that there is still a large gender pay gap?

Power on Tour makes awareness

I am a big believer in being financially independent. Nevertheless, a few years ago I 'thrown in my financial independence' to start my own business. I found that a difficult moment, especially because it seemed like a step back. Even though I was really looking forward to entrepreneurship, the uncertainty of the future and the dependence on my husband at that time was a hot topic. Once, in a previous relationship, I swore to myself never to depend on anyone again. Never again having to hold out my hand and never again being forced to 'stay' in a relationship because you have no other option financially. Being present at Kracht on Tour brought this feeling back to the surface.

The figures show that currently 48% of Dutch women are unable to support themselves when needed, while 70% of women have to stand on their own two feet at some point in their lives because they are single, divorced or widowed . This creates the undesirable situation that the risk of poverty is greater among women than among men. As a woman, you can of course prevent this by being more aware of your financial position. You can also choose to take action and become financially independent. By looking for work, working more hours or starting your own company (with the latter you are of course not independent right away, but if you do it right… then there are certainly opportunities).

Check out here how Cilla Ezerman, one of the role models of Kracht on Tour, took her chances!


POWER on Tour

The Minister for Emancipation Jet Bussemaker is organizing Kracht on Tour to make men and women, employees and entrepreneurs, aware of the importance of women's financial independence. She does this by entering into discussions with women about the choices they make and the possible consequences for their financial position. During a two-year period, the minister will visit six regions to make regional agreements with municipalities, employers and other relevant parties about promoting women's financial independence. Power on Tour has the ambition to reduce the economic differences between men and women. They will soon be visiting the Eindhoven region and MamsatWork is there by invitation. Of course we will let you know afterwards how it went.