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Anne gets the choice to go to Dubai as an expat

Sun, sea and beach, it all sounds very rosy, right? As an expat to Dubai. But is that true? And to what extent would you  be willing to take a step towards a bright future?

I bring up this topic because I have now ended up in such a position with my family.
My boyfriend will have the opportunity to work in sunny Dubai for four years and to have the family move with them for four years.

Although all this is far from certain and there is still a lot to be discussed (and so it may not become anything at all), it is of course something to think about.

Secretly I have always known that such an opportunity would one day be offered to him, and secretly we have often fantasized about it together; If only that ever came our way, man! Then we grab that opportunity with both hands and go through life as an expat 😉 .

Anyway, once you get that chance served on a nice plate, it's not so easy anymore. Suddenly you think about everything (and that is a lot) that comes with it.

Expat… how do you make the choice?

We now have a toddler in the house and a baby is on the way. What do you do with your house, your car and what about insurance? Can we handle the high temperatures and how are the schools and shelter there?
Is the medical care well organized and what if we get sick and want to go back? What is it like for me as a woman in an Arab country and can I also build a social life?
It is racing through our heads like a roller coaster.

Yet we both still have that little voice that screams; do do do! What an experience! And yes, what is actually holding you back? We have always said that if we take such steps, you should have young children, they generally learn easily and adapt quickly.

And be honest, what is four years in a human life? Dubai is very western, I know that because I've been there before, so I'm not worried about myself. For the children there are well-regarded international schools, there is good medical care and a house and car are provided. In addition, there are special insurance policies for expats.

But then you get the next point. Family.

Although I love my parents, brother, friends and in-laws, I don't want to make my choice depend on them. Then it would be far too difficult to embark on such an adventure at all.
Of course it is a big step, also for them. We really do understand that. We take the (grand)children away from them for four years. But don't think it's so easy for all of us.

We are also there without family and cannot just visit them. In addition, our social life generally also needs to be built up. Yet we absolutely see the challenge of this, the experience you gain as an expat and with which you come back, Joost and I are risk takers.

Fact remains; it's just a question. We are in any case open to it, but under the right conditions, that is not a process of a week. So maybe   we'll just stay here and the whole adventure won't go through (but then we'll have had the thrill and excitement of fantasizing for a while).

My parents in particular are not interested. I think they find it difficult to put themselves in our position. Their daughter and grandchildren gone for a while, at the stage where they are growing up so quickly. And I really get them! But it's not like we can't see and speak to each other for four years, there are so many possibilities.

So I will not let family stop me and support the choice that we can make ourselves.
Despite that, I am very curious how you would do in this situation. Do you stay here when your parents are having a hard time? Or are you going on an adventure?