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As a content creator holding up your pants, how do you actually do that?

First of all… a content creator, what is that? Well I can be brief about that, a content creator is someone who is responsible for the contribution of information to media and especially to digital media † Content creators usually target a specific audience; their readership. You in this case. In addition, they often write about specific topics. For example, MamsatWork is a lifestyle blog where content is normally written about lifestyle topics for working mothers. If you are a content creator, the information below may be useful to you. If you just enjoy reading our articles, then this blog might not be for you. Unless of course you're just curious how it all works.

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When are you a content creator ?

So simply put, every blogger is a content creator. But every influencer is also a content creator. And an instagrammer is also a content creator, maybe you are too. You don't necessarily have to have a website to create content. And it doesn't have to be your own website either. You can create great content that is published on another website. The main thing is that you contribute information to certain media. For example, do you post stories on Facebook? Then you are actually also a content creator.

You and I are content creator

Quite a fancy term actually. And to be honest, I also think content creator sounds much better than blogger. But that is my personal opinion, which may have been formed by the spiciness that the word blogger and influencer sometimes have these days. Because how often is it not spoken with envy about bloggers and influencers? As if it's not okay to make money from blogging and content creation. Well, right? If you know that the bloggers I know really put a lot of hours into their content, I can only have respect for that. And for me it is also my job, so yes… then it must also be possible to make a sandwich. What is important is that you stay true to yourself when it comes to paid assignments. That you feel good about what you describe.

Becoming a successful content creator

Do you want to become a successful blogger or influencer? Then content creation alone is in any case not sufficient to earn your living. Besides the fact that writing beautiful and good content remains very important, if you are not involved in marketing, nothing will happen. Whether it is online marketing to make your own website score better in Google or influencer marketing to work with paying customers, for example. Marketing is a 'must'.

And that is directly one of the reasons why it is so nice for content creators that there are agencies that mediate between the customer and the blogger or influencer. Agencies that deal with part of your marketing when it comes to connecting with potential customers. Of course you still have to do the marketing part with regard to the growth of your website.

If you are a content creator for others, then that is all independent of what I describe here. Then you simply create beautiful and good content for someone else, often for direct payment.

Working as a content creator with influencer marketing-agencies

I have already described how you can earn money with blogging, I will not go into that now. I do want to discuss the possible collaborations with influencer marketing agencies. For content creators who write the content for their own website or social media, these types of agencies can be very attractive. Especially considering that there are a lot of bloggers who find the commercial part of their business annoying to do. Because they feel insecure, think they are not good at it or simply find it annoying that there is so much 'acting'.

So there are many agencies that act as intermediaries for the content creator. Some require you to pitch on assignments. With others you only have to indicate that you are interested in a collaboration and you will automatically hear whether they are interested in working with you.

Benefits of collaborating with influencer-marketing-agencies

The advantages seem clear to me:

  • You don't have to look for potential customers yourself
  • You like creating content, so you can spend your time on that
  • You have to communicate much less back and forth because that agency does that partly for you
  • Your collaborations are limited to a number of parties; the influencer marketing agencies
  • After a few collaborations you know what to expect from your customers

Disadvantages of working with influencer marketing-agencies:

  • These agencies obviously do not work for nothing and ask for a % of your turnover
  • Some influencer agencies already make a pre-selection from the content creators themselves, so that you may not be introduced to the customer at all
  • There are influencer marketing agencies that are not really 'classy'. By this I mean to indicate that they only have customers who want to work on link building in a cheap way and who all want to sit in the front row for a duplicate.

You will have to decide for yourself whether or not you want to work with influencer agencies. And with which. I can tell you that I do like it in a number of cases. But there are certainly also agencies that I don't like to work with. Of course I have my reasons for that. In addition, I like to have direct contact with the customer and I have no problem with the commercial part. But that is different for every content creator, of course. In any case, there is nothing wrong with paid collaborations if you ask me. As long as you stay honest as a content creator.