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10 Excuses Why You're Not Reaching Your Goals

You have a purpose. There is something you really want to achieve in your life, possibly several things, and no matter how hard you try, you just can't make it happen. It's extremely frustrating. Ultimately, you trade your ambitions and dreams for the ordinary and mundane.
Does this sound familiar? Here are 10 excuses for not achieving your goals.

1. There is not enough time
Everyone has the same 24 hours a day. How you choose to spend that time is the issue. Remember that when you set a meaningful goal, you will have to sacrifice time at some point in your life. It's up to you to decide how to reassign your activities to create the time you need to work towards your goal.

2. I have no money
There are two things to consider here. Maybe you have the money, but you don't think it's enough to spend the money to achieve your goal. Or you may need to set a goal to raise more money to support you on the path to reaching your greater goal. Where there is a will there is a way; you may need to be resourceful in finding your way around.

3. I'm too tired
If this is really a problem for you, it might be a good time to look at what you're focusing your energy on and decide if what you're doing equals what you're getting in return. A reshuffling of priorities may be necessary. Fatigue can also be caused by unresolved negative emotions and limiting beliefs about what you can or cannot achieve.

4. I am stuck and/or unmotivated
It's likely that you won't be able to get started because your goal isn't tied to a bigger vision—one that's full of meaning to you. Take a moment to think about your goal. Where do you want to be in a year or three? Set your goals based on where you're going. Connecting your goal to your vision will help you get started.

5. I don't know where to start
This is to be expected, especially if you've never done what you're trying to accomplish. Two things you can do in this case. Find someone who has done "it" and model what he or she has done. Specifically, take that person's approach and do, almost literally, what he or she did. Another option is to work with a successful coach who can help you clarify what you want and guide you to get there.

6. I have no support Your environment and the people in it have a huge influence on you. If you're surrounded by naysayers or people trying to put you down, it might be time to rethink who you surround yourself with. It is said that the people you spend the most time with are the ones whose qualities, characteristics and behavior you will adopt. Surround yourself with positive, successful people, even if that means finding an online community or group of people outside your home with common interests.

7. I have no idea what I want
Don't worry! This is normal if you haven't paid much attention to what's important to you and how to go about it. You may not have found your goal yet. This is relatively easy to solve. It starts with identifying what is important to you in every area of ​​your life. Once you know what is important, your path will become visible.

8. I have luggage
Perhaps you don't literally hear in your head "I have baggage", but it may sound like this:"I'm not good enough for it", "I'm not smart enough to" or "I don't have what it takes is about”. Alternatively, you may have a great fear that prevents you from taking the next step or a deep sadness because of your belief that it is not for you. Luggage is real, but you can get rid of it. To change, follow this path:let go of the luggage, follow the direction, take action and stay focused.

9. I am too easily distracted
Time management is an integral part of managing daily life while working towards your goals. A good rule of thumb is to pick a specific time of day — and make it the same time every day — focusing solely on the action steps you need to take. If you are derailed by others, you may have to set and enforce boundaries.

10. Which goals?
Don't be ashamed if you've never been someone who sets goals. Start now by clarifying how you want to live. Then set your goal(s) accordingly and take action every day to achieve them. Just make sure your goals are realistic. If they aren't, they can fail. In this case, the apologies are probably legitimate reasons why you weren't able to reach them.