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Do you need a new challenge? That's how you become an account manager!

You will often come across the profession of 'account manager' in vacancies. It is a fun and challenging profession, which is often chosen by people who undergo retraining. But what exactly is an account manager? And how do you become one yourself? Here you will find everything about the new challenge in your life:this is how you become an account manager!

What is an account manager?
Vacancies are sometimes a bit vague when describing this position. So what does the profession of 'account manager' actually entail? Explanation of the term already creates a lot of clarity. It's about managing 'accounts', the English term for customers. In fact, you get control over a number of customers of the company you work for. You become their manager and you look at how you can best help them. An account manager is not the same as a helpdesk employee! You do much more:you think along with the customers, try to come up with suitable solutions and you help with good customer loyalty.

Why would you want to become an account manager?
First of all, this is a very social profession. You are always trying to help customers and you manage that well. You are also involved in estimating the market and setting up sales plans. You also look at how you can attract new customers for your company. So it is a very versatile function, where you do much more than just make calls. The profession of account manager is in high demand:more and more companies are seeing the benefit of someone who specifically focuses on these tasks. For you, it offers a great challenge in a new environment, where you can learn a lot of extra skills.

How do you become an account manager?
Perhaps you are now thinking:I also want to become an account manager. But how do you do that? You cannot just apply for the position. That's because a lot is being asked of you. Experience is not required, but many companies appreciate it. What is even more important is that you have completed appropriate training. You can do the training to become an account manager full-time or part-time. Most people study alongside their current job and attend school once a week. You can then complete the training in one year, after which you can apply for the position of account manager.

By following the account manager training, you show that you really go for it. You are motivated and would like to get this new challenging job. That also makes you more attractive when applying for a job. If you see the opportunity to gain practical experience during your training, then you are fully prepared. It will therefore not take long before you are hired somewhere as an account manager. Provided you manage to avoid these 5 classic application mistakes, of course!