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How to build self-control to perform better

Self-control is the ability to motivate and coordinate our efforts to improve our quality of life, but unfortunately most people are not taught it. Self-control is an undervalued trait in a modern society that now wants everything. Here are five ways to develop self-control:

1. Watch your resistance

Resistance is the biggest obstacle to developing self-control, and it often comes in the form of discouraging internal self-talk, such as, “I can't do it” or “Why should I change?” The next time you start a new project that provokes resistance, you fight against it by defending or writing down your intended goal and its benefits.

2. Plan for each result

Plans go awry when people let excuses get in the way. An example is having a goal to run for 20 minutes in the morning, but you have excuses like it's raining, it's cold or you don't feel like it. Developing self-control is recognizing and planning for these self-created obstacles and actively choosing to work through them.

3. Prepare to give up something to win

Compile a list of the pros and cons of sacrifice for a particular purpose. In order to achieve your goal, you will most likely have to impose certain limitations on yourself in order to achieve something.

4. Reward yourself with self-compensation

Rewards are an incredibly powerful tool for motivating yourself to achieve your goals. Provide a reward for when you achieve a goal or part of a goal, and make sure it's appropriate. Moderation and self-control are often associated with deprivation. However, self-control actually contributes to happiness and the better achievement of goals.

Also read:10 excuses why you are not achieving your goals

5. Divide your goal into manageable steps

Breaking down your goal into bite-sized steps makes it much more likely that you will stay disciplined enough to achieve each sub-goal. Each completed step gives you an encouraging boost. Consider using SMART goals – specific, measurable, attractive, realistic, time-bound. This makes the goal final and turns the steps into tangible action.

Self-control includes structured planning, organization, delayed gratification, and the willingness to step outside your comfort zone. These things may seem scary, but don't worry, you're not alone. And once you take the first step, you are on a beautiful path that offers many rewards.