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Personal branding:7 steps to an unmistakable profile

In today's professional life, a concise personal brand is essential. Systematic personal branding makes employees and freelancers attractive to employers, customers and investors. But how does successful branding succeed? It requires a thoughtful approach that starts with a thorough analysis. In the implementation, the presence on the internet is of the utmost importance. You build a sustainable brand with the following 7 steps.

1. Optimal branding is based on careful analysis

The approach is strategic. The goals are important. What do you want to achieve with personal branding? What professional goals should be pursued? Which target groups should be addressed? For example, the target group determines which activities on social networks are worthwhile.

2. A sensible approach involves a detailed analysis of yourself

In self-analysis it is important to clearly define the strengths and weaknesses. The personal profile should then shape the conceptual design of the branding.

3. In addition, a comprehensive analysis of the current presentation on the web is recommended

This relates to your own presence with website and accounts on social networks and to comments from third parties, for example on review sites.

4. Implementation follows based on the individually tailored strategy

This includes the design or modification of the website, which briefly highlights all essential information. In addition to designing or reviewing the accounts on the relevant social networks, listings in major business directories is a must.

5. Effective personal branding on the internet requires reach

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a valuable contributor, and dedicated local SEO is often recommended. This is a complex undertaking that requires experience and know-how.

6. Personal branding is a long-term process

No one should expect that a one-time action such as publishing the website is sufficient. The website and its appearances on social networks require regular maintenance. Users want to read good information that is useful to them. All content must match the goals of personal branding.

7. Reputation management on the web also requires perseverance

Negative comments from other users on review sites or on social networks can damage your own image at any time. With consistent monitoring, those affected must watch and respond quickly.