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New green jobs #1

SRI analyst (socially responsible investment)

The mission ? Analyze the social and environmental impact of a box to help responsible investors make their choice.

Why is it going up? With the crisis, part of the financial world realizes that certain practices need to be reviewed. There is no longer any question for more and more financiers of investing in a company solely on the basis of its financial performance. Environment (CO2 emissions, water management…), human rights, human relations… are some of the new criteria scrutinized.

The right profile? Ideally, a traditional training (business school or university) specializing in finance supplemented by a SD master's degree.

Carole already does. She is an SRI analyst in the research department of a major French bank. “I investigate whether a company is more or less responsible than a competing company. Then, I present my study to the various portfolio managers (in London, Paris, Germany, etc.) to draw their attention to the points on which they would not have had time to investigate (use of chemicals such as Bisphenol A, palm oil…) which could eventually cost them money, in the event of a lawsuit or scandal. It is exciting to try to get things moving, to show that in the business world, there are good and less good students and that it is also the role of the shareholder to exert pressure. You have to know how to remain flexible of mind, and not start with too fixed convictions like "companies are bad and investors are even worse!" »»