Family Best Time >> Work

New green jobs #4

Eco-designer of events (fairs, meetings, etc.)

The mission ? Organize "responsible" events, from the choice of venues, service providers, materials used... to waste management.

Why is it going up? Companies are now paying much more attention to their environmental footprint:those listed on the stock exchange (and soon those with at least 500 employees) must perform a carbon assessment. And those who are not under this constraint are also increasingly asking their suppliers to adopt a responsible approach. Sobriety is required, no more debauchery (and waste!) of means between lighting, food, decoration….

The right profile? No specific training. Good understanding of environmental and social issues is a plus. Julie already does. She runs a digital marketing agency specializing in supporting responsible companies.

“Among other things, I organize responsible events. For the 1.618 Luxury and Sustainable Development show at the Palais de Tokyo in Paris, I was involved in creating the concept of the show through to monitoring the carbon footprint of the event. I also organize Green Twitt’Apéro, monthly afterworks, so that green bloggers can see themselves in real life. I meet a lot of varied interlocutors (exhibitors, organic caterers, bloggers…) who want to innovate. It stimulates creativity! »