Family Best Time >> Work

Between two jobs:we positive!

Be kind to yourself…

Certainly, you have already been more productive and Pôle Emploi is not exactly the Hollywood Walk of Fame. All the more reason not to self-flagellate non-stop:“I had never known a low period before being brutally dismissed last year, recalls Nadia, a 34-year-old salesperson. My box went bankrupt, however, I blamed myself:being unemployed was almost a defect, a sign of weakness or powerlessness for me. It took me six months to admit that it was the "fault" of the economic situation, not mine, and that my skills hadn't been taken away with my job. Yes, unemployment is not an STD:it is not contagious and cannot be seen from the outside, provided you do not lower your head when asked what you are doing. "To say that one is 'on a sabbatical' or 'in retraining' is more rewarding than the anxiety-provoking term 'unemployed'", according to Hélène Picot, author of Unemployed? Find your way and bounce back! (Ed. Quintessence). Since we are (also) what we say, we might as well say good things about ourselves, right?

… but not too much, anyway

Losing your job is a shock, more or less well absorbed depending on the temperaments and the conditions of departure, but inevitable:the period of self-denigration is sometimes followed by a period of self-pity... Not very profitable, is it? right, Katie? “I was a designer-editor in a big advertising agency, before I was fired by a new director with whom things were going badly, remembers the 36-year-old young woman. I resented the whole world:him first of all, of course, but also my boyfriend, who wasn't present enough, the recruiters, who didn't recruit me, Pôle Emploi, who offered me training that didn't have any nothing to do with my profile... Until a friend shook me:"What if you were looking for jobs within your means, or if you gave yourself the means for the jobs you applied for?" She was right:I had learned the job on the job, without any initial training, and I was applying to be a project manager, because I thought I was old enough! So I took a training course to improve myself. And accepted a new job as a designer-editor, in the meantime. Well done:admitting that you can be improved – professionally, in any case – is, in one way or another (info, Pôle Emploi or private training, etc.), putting your toe in a spiral positive. The rest usually follows.