Family Best Time >> Work

Between two jobs:we enjoy!

Get out!

Not just to visit your Pôle Emploi adviser or stock up on popcorn because you're out of order, halfway through the Masters of Sex season. … But to meet real people, not just the people you hang out with hidden behind a screen (TV, computer, phone)… “When I found myself unemployed, I “naturally” slowed down my going out , says Thalia, 37 years old and ex-manager of a hostess agency. First, because I had less money and then because unemployment isolates. I had no desire to see my friends, having nothing to tell them, since I didn't do much with my days! Meet new people ? Do not want their embarrassed look when, to the question "And you, what do you do for a living?" you reply, "Right now, nothing." Except that the more I isolated myself, the more alone I felt, and the less I wanted others to see me "like that." It's a vicious circle ! Break it up, by going out with your gang, if only for a drink, and calling back old colleagues, long-lost friends... In short, (re)activate your network. "If they don't contact you, it's only because they have their heads in the handlebars," says Hélène Picot.

Treat yourself!

Getting (back) into sport, painting, taking philosophy classes, volunteering... Having a personal project that is really close to our hearts, and in which we invest ourselves fully and we succeed, makes it possible to compensate for the vagaries of unemployment. No, it's not wasted time:it's time we won't have anymore, nuance. It is therefore urgent to take advantage of it.