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1 employee out of 10 ready to sleep to succeed!

According to a survey carried out for Tissot editions (specialized in labor law) with a sample of 1,060 people, 53% of employees questioned admit to being "ready for anything to succeed, men more than women (59% against 47%) and young people aged 18 to 24 even more (75%). The most used method to achieve his goals would be the fact of "communicating constantly on his achievements for 53% of French employees. Nothing very surprising. However, according to an OpinionWay survey published Monday, May 9, 2016, the most useful method to succeed, according to all the age groups questioned, is to "flatter the chefs (for 43% of employees). 29% also say they are prepared to “not tell their superiors the exact truth ". 22% are willing to "acquiesce in all their boss's ideas, even those that don't seem relevant to them ", and 22% to "use their charms ". Finally, the figures that pique our curiosity the most are still these:almost one in 10 employees (9%) say they are "ready to go to bed" to succeed and this figure even reaches 18%, i.e. almost one in five, among 18-24 year olds.

So, surprised?