Family Best Time >> Work

United States:a company pays you a bonus... if you have a good night's sleep!

Seeing the title you think it's a joke:being paid to sleep is impossible... And yet, in the United States, it exists! We reassure you:there is no question of forcing employees to sleep at work or spend the night with their boss... Aetna, an insurance company located in Connecticut, has decided to give a FitBit connected bracelet to each of its employees. , to monitor the quality of their sleep, and to pay them $25 per night from 7 a.m. Clearly, each person who sleeps at least 7 hours for twenty nights will have a bonus premium of approximately $500 per year. But why did this company have such an idea? Quite simply to improve the productivity of its employees. An employee who sleeps more is more efficient, which is beneficial for the company. Even if we would not be against a small bonus for having had a good night's sleep, this decision raises questions about individual freedoms:sleep (its quality, duration, etc.) is part of the private sphere. If we allow our boss to observe our nights, where is the line between private life and work?!