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Burn-out:what to do when a loved one is affected?

To avoid burnout, encourage him to change his habits

First of all, don't panic! Your spouse can sense your stress, so try to stay calm and relaxed as much as you can. Faced with a person in a situation of burnout, it is first necessary to encourage him to rest. Organize a weekend or a vacation to get him some fresh air and help him really get out of his job. It is important that he manages to recharge his batteries in an exotic place without an internet connection... If the laptop doesn't work, it's even better! Your partner may be dragging his feet, but encourage him to go out, have a drink or see friends. He needs to see people and preferably funny people to cheer him up! Practicing a physical activity is also a good idea:sport is excellent for diffusing pleasure hormones in the brain and above all for relieving stress!

Help him by discussing his discomfort related to burnout

As in any situation, it is important to be able to put words to it. If you don't know what to do to help your spouse or loved one, talk to them calmly. Do not hesitate to tell him that you understand his suffering, that you are there for him and to listen to him. It is not a question of taking turns or circumlocutions, it is better to be direct. He is able to listen to what you have to say to him and even hear your concern. Be careful, you are not a psychoanalyst! Your role is to open his eyes to burnout and to listen to him. If he is aggressive, do not respond in an aggressive way! Instead, try to calm and soothe him. Take a calm tone and a soft voice.

Encourage him to consult a burn-out specialist

As we said, your role is not that of a doctor or a psychologist. When someone is in pain, it is imperative that they seek professional help. This step is often very difficult for a person in burnout:it's complicated to say "I'm going to consult". This is called the acceptance phase, that is to say that it takes time for him to accept and integrate the situation in which he finds himself. Don't forget that you are not alone, his friends can also help him and advise him to go for a consultation. This way, you can make him integrate the idea of ​​​​going to see a doctor. And if he refuses and you don't know what to do, give him a deadline. If he misses this date without having made an appointment, you will remind him that he had given his word. But in any case, it is important not to get lost and also to pay attention to yourself. Don't you forget! Keep going out! The better off you are, the more you will help him!