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Telecommuting:how to maintain the necessary discipline?

The importance of motivation in teleworking

In order not to do anything, you must keep the necessary discipline. With your office in your home, the temptation can be strong to linger in bed, sit in your pajamas, and surf the internet for your personal needs and wants. To keep the necessary motivation, it is essential to create a routine and set schedules. Working from home does not give you the right to start your day at 11 a.m., but requires rigor and professionalism. You have to get up every day and prepare yourself as before when you went to your place of work. If this remains too difficult, you can arrange a videoconference with a colleague or your superior every morning first thing in the morning to take stock of the tasks and objectives of the day. You will have no choice but to be efficient in the morning. Also be aware that many people are not cut out for telecommuting.

Distinguishing between personal life and professional life

To maintain the necessary discipline, it is essential to distinguish between personal life and professional life. Working at home does not make you a housewife who will have plenty of time to do her shopping and cleaning. Personal life should not interfere with your work day, even if it is done at home. You are not going to spend your day on the phone with your mom or your girlfriends. You must also set limits with those around you so as not to be the sucker. You have to learn to say no to avoid babysitting your little nephew as soon as he gets sick or taking grandma to the doctor every week. It is also important to set up a real office area dedicated to teleworking at home. There is no question of working on the sofa in front of the television. If you do not have a room allocated to your professional activity, it is essential to have a pleasant, comfortable and functional office space. At the end of your working day, you turn off your computer and smartphone to disconnect. This is important to stay productive and efficient during working hours!

Mistakes not to make in telework

When you start teleworking, it is not uncommon to make several mistakes. The first concerns mothers. It is not because you are at home that you can accept to accompany all the school outings and pick up your little one as soon as the temperature reaches 37.8°C. If your telecommuting professional activity requires you to make many daily calls, ask your employer to provide you with a work phone. Otherwise, it will quickly be hell on your personal smartphone! Another mistake is eating all the time, anything and everything. Being at home can quickly invite snacking. Having cupboards right next to your desk is not always easy to manage. It is also important to take breaks, like when you were at work. You regularly went for coffee or tea with your colleagues to tell you about your weekend or your crazy evening. Don't skip today just because you're home.