Family Best Time >> Work

The nap would be the solution against stress and fatigue in the office

According to a recent study, carried out by Opinion Way for the British bedding site Eve Sleep, 80% of working French people feel tired at their workplace. 1,239 workers were interviewed and the figures are very revealing. Indeed, they are only 2% to affirm that they never felt tired or “busted” at the office. On the contrary, 72% of respondents admitted that fatigue had a real negative impact on their concentration, their efficiency and their relationships.

Still according to this study, taking a nap at work would be the best solution to counter any sign of fatigue! In France, this method is difficult to integrate into companies because it is perceived as “a waste of time”:26% of respondents have already taken a nap in the office. And among them, 80% did it in a place not intended for this purpose (few companies offer places dedicated to naps). However, 49% of people believe that the nap could restore their energy and 59% say that they would be more productive and efficient thanks to the nap. But then, when is the siesta officially introduced in the workplace? The survey reveals that the opinion on the question depends largely on the opinion of the responsible person on the question:when they are in favor, 64% of the assets are also in favor. But when the manager is opposed to the nap, only 42% of working people say they are in favor.

Good to know:this survey is part of a campaign launched by the Eve Sleep site and entitled #FrenchSieste. The goal is of course to promote the benefits of the nap on the well-being of workers and for the company to highlight its device [email protected] It remains to be seen whether it will find its audience. Several countries such as Japan, China and even Spain have made the nap an institution at work. Why not imitate them? We would like us anyway!